Chapter - 13

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Here's the chapter!

Since I was not able to post for two days, I have written a big chapter. 

You're going to know about Avneet's illness and a little past of Siddharth which is related to her.

Do Enjoy!!

-Avneet's pov-

We reached home after the awkwardly silent ride. In all this I had managed to ask Siddharth why he called himself my boyfriend in front of the doctor to which he replied - what professor knows so much about their student? I didn't want her to think I was a creep. Which did seem like a genuine concern, so I let it slide.

Just as I got home, Abhi came running out. I paused as I saw the trouble look on his face. "You coughed blood and you didn't tell?" I was stunned as I looked at Siddharth.

"I told you not to fucking call him." "I didn't call him", he said. "I just sent a text" "WHAT. THAT DOESN'T MATTER", I yelled back. "I did not tell him because look - he gets all worked up." "Avneet this is not something that I shouldn't be worked up about", Abhishek cut me off. "This is not normal. Shut up now and come inside. Take the meds I prepared for you."

"Abhishek the doctor herself said it's nothing. She gave me her medicines", I raised the bag in my hand. "I will take that." "You are not taking that. Come in and take the ones I give you." "I don't want your medicines", I shouted.

"Why do you all act like this? I AM NOT A FUCKING KID. I can take care of myself. The doctor herself said that there is nothing diagnosed." "Avneet", Abhishek almost growled. "Come in and take the meds."

"NO", I yelled. "WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU TO EVEN TALK TO ME LIKE THAT. YOU ARE JUST A STUPID TENANT HERE. YOU ARE NOT MY FUCKING FAMILY. STOP ACTING LIKE YOU HAVE A SAY IN MY LIFE", I screamed, tears rolling down my eyes. Abhishek's eyes widened as he looked at me hurt. Siddharth stepped in as he held my hand tightly and took me inside.

"Go in and do as he says", he said in a low yet intimidating voice. "Let go of me, you are hurting me", I snapped, pushing him away. "You keep your mouth shut", I said to him. "This is my life and our matter. Stay the fuck out of it."

"Avneet", his voice was oozing anger. "I will not repeat what I said. Do as Abhishek says." "Why do you even care", I said with tears. Those words made him back off a little. "Why do you even fucking care? Haven't you made my life bad enough to now pretend like you care. Where is this concern when you insult me so badly in front of the class? Or punish me just because I stand up for myself? You have done enough damage in my life, I don't need you to act like this now."

With tears rolling down my eyes I turned and ran out of the house. I kept running, not stopping at all. I did so until I was out of breath and was panting for air. Just as I stood, to catch a breath, I felt a gag. Putting a hand to my mouth, I rushed into a nearby burger shop and straight into the restroom. I threw up all my food from the morning along with blood straight into the bowl. The sight of which made me throw up once more. My stomach hurt as I held it tightly to curb the pain.

Walking out, I washed my face and looked at myself. My eyes were bloodshot red and my fingers were trembling continuously. Splashing water on my face once more, I walked out of the shop and into the streets.

It must have been late evening but I wasn't going to go home. I wandered through the streets, kicking a couple of rocks as I walked. I stopped as I realized that unknowingly I had wandered into a pretty unknown and shady area of the neighborhood.

Before I could leave, two men spotted me. As I saw them approach, I quickly turned around to walk away.

"Hey kitten, what is the hurry?", they quickened their footsteps and so did I. "Why won't you wait for us?", the other man said and I was almost ready to sprint until a third man walked in from the other side.

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