Chapter - 24

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-Avneet's pov-

I walked through the empty hallway as I smiled to myself. I had just finished Siddharth's class and let me tell you how wonderful it was. We secretly snatched glances at one another the entire session. He had given us an excerpt to analyze and he visited my desk thrice to ask me if I needed help with anything.

He was acting so nicely, praising my work in front of the whole class while also putting Nikita in her place when she tried to trash talk and interfere when I was answering his question.

The entire class including Jannat was surprised. They had only one question. How did Nana Kaur go from being on Professor Siddharth's hated list to being his favorite student?

If only you bitches knew what happened.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when suddenly someone grabbed my arm and pulled me inside a room. I was about to scream until they placed their hand on my mouth to stop me.

I turned to see Siddharth grinning at me. "Hi", he said cheekily. "Siddharth what are you doing? What if someone saw us?" "No one did, I froze the time around. But you did not realize that because well you are not fully human and hence that thing doesn't work on you." "Of course you did", I rolled my eyes.

He pulled me closer as he wrapped his arms around me. "I miss you." "What! We literally had a class 10 minutes ago." "But I still do", he pouted.

He pouted.


"Who are you and what have you done to the real Siddharth Nigam aka Lucifer aka Satan aka the lord of hell aka the man who hardly ever smiles", I pushed myself away from him. He grinned and pulled me back again. "It's all me baby. That's my duality." I blushed as he ran his tongue over his lips and winked at me.

"Okay we gotta lay some ground rules. Firstly you cannot be this nice to me." "Why?" "Because people are getting suspicious. After class I saw everyone talking because you were exceptionally nice to me." "Of course I will be nice to you, you are my girlfriend", he pecked my lips.

"SIDDHARTH STOP!!", I pushed on his chest. "We cannot do this on campus." "Okay so do you want to go home then? Let's go. You are such a needy little girl", he pulled me and I panicked. "No this is not how I meant it", I released myself from his grip and he burst into chuckles.

"Messing with you is so much fun." "Whatever! Now if you listen to me--" I glared at him and cleared my throat. "You will not show any public display of affection when we are on campus, I REPEAT, absolutely no PDA. Second, no secretly calling me into your office and third, act normal in class. Don't praise me because that is not convincing--"

"OR", he cut me off. "We go public and tell everyone we are dating so then we can act like a cute couple in love." I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Was this really the lord of Underworld? This absolutely romantic man - he ruled over demons and stuff? This wasn't adding up.

"Are you nuts?", I raised my arms in a 'you have got to be kidding me' fashion. "We cannot do that. That is against student code. You will get fired, I will be suspended. We will be on the front page of the newspaper for all wrong reasons. 'Professor and student have secret romance in college, bring shame to themselves' that will be the headline." "Okay then I will quit", he shrugged his shoulders.


"Yeah, I mean it's not like I need this job anyway. I only took this so I could take revenge on you for insulting me when I came to your restaurant--" he stopped as I gave him a dirty look and he just pulled my cheeks while I slapped his hand away. "So it doesn't matter. And plus this constantly having to interact with such young people is giving me headaches. I have no fun checking assignments and exam papers. I much rather not do this."

"But then you will become jobless--" "Oh honey", he placed an arm around me. "I don't work for money. Trust me money is the last thing on my mind. I am blessed with enough to last me the next 5000 years."

"Okay", I nodded and he pulled me in for a hug. We stayed like this for a minute as I rested my head on his chest, wrapping my arms around him and he placed his chin on my head. "Siddharth I need to leave now, I have a class." "Noo", he whined and increased his hold. When did he become so clingy?

"I have to leave now", I pleaded and he sighed. "Okay, I will let you go but what do I get in return?"

"Uhh-- cheese noodles?", I gave him an awkward smile and he smirked. "Oh honey, you really are under the impression that you can sway me by feeding me Cheese noodles? That is what you wrote in Professor Reem's assignment as well!" My eyes widened and he gasped. How did he know about that?

"You read that--?", I clasped a hand around my mouth. "I did sweetie. So you think I look like a Gucci model?" "Oh no--", I squealed in embarrassment. How could he have read that? I wanted to bury myself in a hole now. "Don't bring that up please-- it's embarrassing."

"I wont", he crossed his arms. "But I want a kiss." "What?", I was taken aback. "I am not giving you a kiss." "Fine then, I will borrow the assignment from Professor and read it out to Rohan and Abhishek. All of us will have a field day and then Rohan and I will keep teasing you until---"

"NOOO", I stood in front of him. "Not that please." "Okay then", he puckered his lips and stood in front of me. I tip toed as I gently placed my lips on his until that snake of a man pulled my waist to him and bit my lower lip slightly causing me to open my mouth a little as he forced his tongue in. I was frozen not knowing what to do but I followed his movement and found myself kissing him back. Damn, this was my first actual kiss.

I panted for air as I broke away and Siddharth looked at me. "Now that was your punishment for thinking you could buy the devil with a bowl of noodles." "Whatever", I scoffed and opened the door to walk away. Just as he was out of sight, I went all pink and giddy.

-Avneet's pov ends-

Siddharth smiled to himself as he heard a faint "this wasn't even a punishment", from the other side followed by giggling and girly squeals.

Back at his penthouse, Vani stood in front of him as he clutched the pictures in his hand.

"We know where he is living master. That is his exact location." Siddharth stared at the pictures in front of him. It was his brother leaving a posh apartment right here in Mumbai.

"How did you find his apartment?", he directed his question to her. "Master I am afraid that is a trade secret", she said with a smile and Siddharth's lips widened into a smile of his own. "Good work Vani, I am glad you helped."

"Anything for you master. Now if you allow, I must get back to hell." Siddharth nodded. "Go on, I will let you know when your service is needed once again." With that the woman bowed and took a step backwards. Behind her a portal opened and within the blink of an eye she was sucked in it and it closed behind her.

Siddharth watched the woman leave. Vani was his sister and technically also Aditya sister. While Aditya went berserk and against Siddharth, she had kept her loyalty to him. Despite it being her real brother, she aided Siddharth in making sure the order in Hell remained well. Her loyalty was what made Siddharth appreciate her so much and hence she was someone he respected a lot. Turning his attention to the paper in his hand he crumpled it before the remains turned to ash.

"Little brother you have been very naughty, it's time for your older brother to teach you a lesson." With that he stood up before grabbing his coat and heading towards the door.

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