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Happy New Year Everyone!! May this year brings more happiness in your life from the previous one..

Here's the Epilogue.

-1 month later-

He sat on a bench under the cherry blossom as Avneet's grave was right opposite to where he was. Siddharth came here everyday to talk to her. It was his ritual. He could feel the spirits lurking around their graves. The ones that had never received peace.

He took a bite of the sandwich which Avneet loved. That was what he had been eating for the past month now.

One week after the funeral, he had managed to go to his house only to be greeted with a weak Rohan sitting on the couch, with his legs curled up and a blanket around him.

At the sight of Siddharth, Rohan had immediately ran to him and hugged him tightly. "Don't ever leave me Brother. Please." The older had kissed the younger's head. "I won't", he assured him. He had to take care of Kook and that is why he came back. He knew the boy would be waiting for him there.

That is how he went back to his life and his own home. It had taken him some time, but he was better than before. Of course there were spells of ugly crying and screaming followed by a hollowing numbness but he was recovering.

He took one more bite of the sandwich as he heard footsteps. The man came and perched himself beside Siddharth.

"Its good to see you Siddharth", Kartik said as he placed a hand on his shoulder. Siddharth froze under his touch but slowly turned to face him.

"You too Brother", he replied. After all he had promised Avneet he would make up with her father. This was the least he could do.

"Its her one month anniversary today", the elder spoke. "I came with flowers. Her favorite. They were Naira's favorite too. Roses." Siddharth nodded because he knew. "You come here everyday?", the older asked to which he nodded again.

"How have you been holding up?" Now it was Siddharth's turn to make conversation. "I am fine. Going back to the heaven now. I don't think I want to be on earth anymore. Jai's here but he is doing well with Reem. He doesn't need me. Abhishek is also living with them in Punjab. Those three can take care of each other well. My presence isn't required."

There was a prolonged silence where Siddharth played with the plastic wrap in his hand. His lips quivered as he spoke the next words. "Brother", his voice was shaking as tears pooled in his eyes. Kartik looked at him. "I am sorry I couldn't save your daughter. I am sorry she died protecting me. I am so--", he couldn't complete the last words as he felt a knot in his throat.

Kartik's eyes softened as he scooted closer to him and pat his back. "I don't blame you Siddharth. Not even once. It was Avneet's choice. She loved you more than she loved herself. And I am not even angry at her for doing this." "But I am the reason she got into this mess in the first place. Aditya would have never touched her if it hadn't been for me", Siddharth cried even more.

"You know, as her father I can tell you something. I saw the love in her eyes for you. I could see the way she looked at you, like you were her everything. Her world. And I don't think she would regret any of this at all. She died knowing how much you loved her and that is why she is at peace now."

Siddharth just kept crying as he hugged Kartik. Kartik too broke down a little but stayed strong for the younger. "We both lost the women we love", he said in his ears. "Guess this is just father punishing us for our sins."

The cold wind blew faster as trees rustled. Siddharth refused to let go of Kartik and the elder didn't mind either. By Avneet's grave they sat and reminisced about older times with the girl they loved.

"Siddharth, grieving for the loss of a loved one is like an ocean and your emotions are like the waves. Sometimes the waves will be mild but other times it will be a storm in the sea. There is nothing else you can do but learn how to swim through it all." Siddharth nodded as he removed his handkerchief and wiped his eyes. The same one Avneet made for him and painted a small rose at the border to annoy him because he said he hated roses. But now, it was his most prized possession.

"Are you ready to let go of her?", Kartik asked. "I have been keeping an eye on you Sid. You have become a hermit of some sort. She would have wanted you to be happy and live like you did before you met her. If you continue to be like this, you will hurt her." With that Kartik stood up to leave. One last look at Lucifer, he put a hand on his shoulder.

"Be happy and move on. It will be the greatest gift you could ever give her." With that he slightly pecked his head. The younger closed his eyes as he felt Kartik's soft peck on his head. And with that the angel left. Left the world which no longer had his daughter.

Siddharth stood up as he walked to the grave. Opening his coat a little, he removed a rose and sat down cross legged in front of the grave.

"I saw you in my dream darling. A dream in which we were together. We looked happy. Everything was well", he said as tears rolled down his eyes. The rustling of the trees increased as it became windy.

"I don't know where it all went wrong. I used to think I was untouchable. No power in the world could make me fall to my feet. Nothing could ever break me. But boy was I so wrong. I feel this emptiness that I have never felt before. It seems like a piece of me died with you. From being the most powerful, I suddenly feel like a child wanting to tuck itself away from all the evils in the world."

The trees grew silent as well as they lamented. Siddharth played with the rose in his hand, not caring about how badly it pricked him.

"But I think I have decided something for myself. I don't know if its a good choice or a bad choice but it's something you would like. I want to leave this city. It holds too many memories of us and I don't think I could ever heal if I continue to stay. So I am here to meet you for the last time. Do you think, I should go?"

The wind became strong once again. The cherry blossoms fell from the tree to the green grass beneath. Siddharth watched as a couple fell in his lap. "Is this supposed to be a yes?", he chuckled through tears. With that he stood up as he placed the rose on the stone grave. He bent a little as he ran a hand through the cold stone. "I love you. Thank you for making me feel alive when everything within me was dead."

With that he turned to walk away. A small breeze flew and carried a flower which grazed his lips. Siddharth smiled. It seemed like she sent him a goodbye kiss.

No mountain, nor sea no thing in this world could keep us apart
Because this was never my world to begin with.
You were.

The End

I hope you all liked this story. Thankyou for supporting me till the end.

I'll miss this story like anything.

Will be back soon with the another story.

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