Chapter - 18

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Hello Everyone!

Let's start with chapter.

Siddharth stared at the stack of papers in front of him but his mind was some place else. He couldn't stop thinking about Avneet. He shouldn't have said those words to her yesterday. Unknowingly he had just made her think she was responsible for all this when in reality she had no control on any of her parent's actions. Seeing her crying and hurt made it even more worse for him. Despite how they started off, he had come to develop a liking for her and just the thought of hurting her made his heart crumble in pain.

A swift knock on the door snapped him out. "Come in" The door opened to reveal one of the fellow professors from the university who he had been good friends with.

"Ah, come in Professor Reem." "Sorry to bother you Siddharth but I needed a favor", the woman said. "Of course." "I actually had some issue with my book publication and I need to go to Punjab for that. I still have a couple of writing assignments I gave to the students a couple days back which need to be checked and returned to them. Can you please help me by doing that for me."

Siddharth was in no mood to agree but he couldn't blankly refuse. The woman had helped him quite a lot and it was fair he return his part of the favor.

"Of course." "Thank you so much", she said as she put a fat stack of assignments in front of him. "I asked the students to write something pretty simple. They were to take a fictional character or any supernatural being and turn his attitude and personality and make it opposite to how it normally occurs in the said fiction or what we are used to viewing them as."

Siddharth nodded as he intently listened to her narrating the outline. Few minutes later Professor Reem left leaving him to go through the assignments.

Siddharth sighed. This job had seemed like a good idea a month ago only because he wanted to be where Avneet was and take revenge. But now, it bored the shit out of him.

An hour later, he threw the paper in his hand back on the table. What absolute nonsensical stuff had these kids written. An alternative universe where Edward drinks Bella's blood and kills her! Harry potter is an evil little man who becomes Voldemort's bitch.

He sighed as he picked the next paper. Kang Avneet. An anxiety formed within him but putting it aside, he picked it up and began writing.

'You know him as Satan. Your grandmother probably told you bad stories about him. But would you believe me if I said Lucifer might just be one of the sweetest man alive to ever exist? What if I tell you, he is just like me and you. He has weird midnight cravings, has an overly perverted mind, likes to pull of pranks at the cost of others and thinks too high of himself. He isn't the red colored man with horns and a tail that you have seen in cartoons or memes but rather a very handsome man who could look like he is straight out of a Gucci photoshoot. ( On a side note, if you thought Lucifer Morningstar is pretty than this man is just as handsome if not more. Don't bring up the tv show in front of him, he doesn't seem very fond of his screen portrayal). But mind you, things are not always unicorns and sprinkles with him, he can get very angry. And just so you know, it is not a pretty sight. He threatens to send you to hell if you irritate him. His glare has the power to melt you with how intense it is. But I am not sure if he can do it in literal sense (Reminder to self: Ask him or you know what - DON'T. He doesn't like entertaining questions like this. Last time I did it, I was almost on my way to hell). But let me reveal a secret. He is sweet, he is caring. He will give you a hug if you cry. He will take you to the doctor if you are not well. He will pay for your medicines and treatment because he knows you can't afford it. He will care and act like he doesn't give a damn. Sure he can be annoying, a jerk or plain unbearable at times but he isn't evil and bad like people make him to be. He has a soft heart and probably more humanity than most humans. If someone told me to be scared of him, I wouldn't because despite what people say I know he has a good heart. I can pray that you never have to see him, but if you do - then here is a little trick. Buy him Cheese Noodles and grilled potatoes or praise his good looks and you will be fine---'

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