Chapter - 31

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-Avneet's pov-

"Rohan we must do something about it. He would never agree. You know him--", I paced back and forth as Rohan sat on the couch munching some carrot.

Siddharth had gone out for some work and me and Rohan were by ourselves, plotting something.

"Why do you need him to model again?", he asked. I sighed. "Okay, so I am a part of the photography club. We have an assignment to take portfolio shots. I have arranged for a professional camera. I need 4 models now. You agreed, Abhishek agreed. I have one more friend who agreed. Now for the fourth person, I need Siddharth."

"Okay. But see, Hyung would never do it. Can you not do with three? Or let us find someone else", he said enthusiastically. "Rohan NO. I need him to do it. He is so handsome. His features are photoshoot worthy. I want no one but my boyfriend", I stomped my leg on the ground.

"Okay, Okay", Rohan sighed. "We can do something. I have a plan but the risk is high. It can backfire very badly and that time you will deal with angry Hyung", he raised an eyebrow at me. "Deal", I extended my hand and he shook it before going on one knee.

I was confused as he pulled me down, making me go on one knee as well. He put an arm on my shoulder and made me mimic his actions before bowing his head. "This is how we seal a deal in hell", he chuckled. I grinned as I bowed my head to him as my part of the deal. "Now, shall we devise the plan to get Hyung to do as we wish", he smirked. "Let's get it", I smirked back.

-Avneet's pov ends-

Siddharth came back to his apartment, a few important letters in hand which he needed to collect from his locker. Opening the door, he was surprised to be met with some equipment set up with lights stands here and there. The plush living room was now a messy photography studio.

"ROHAN I NEED VARIETY", Avneet's voice cut his thoughts and he went in to see something he wasn't prepared to see at all. Rohan posing as Avneet clicked pictures of him. The boy changed poses as Avneet yelled 'YASSS' and continued clicking.

"What is happening here?", Siddharth's voice filled the room. Avneet removed the camera from her eye as she looked at him.

"Oh you are back", she commented nonchalantly. "Ah Hyung we are having a photoshoot", Rohan said relaxing his pose. "Photoshoot?", Siddharth asked puzzled. "Its for my photography club. Rohan, Abhishek and two of my other friends will pose. Rohan is also helping me plan and design the shoots."

"Why them?", Siddharth crossed his arms. "Well because for starters they are handsome and would make good models. So it was easy peasy for me to get them."

-Avneet's pov-

"Oh and that Sohan guy is so handsome", Rohan chimed in. "Great work on getting him Avneet. He is so handsome and his pictures are gonna get you straight 100 points. Shoot him topless. Let his abs shine", he said and I nodded. "Okay let me make notes", I ran and picked up my diary. "We can like put him in a black pant and give him a cheetah jacket without a shirt. And some lip ring?", I asked Rohan.

"Oh yes a lip ring. Yes. He will look fucking SEXY", the younger boy put emphasis on the word sexy and I violently nodded my head. "Also, don't forget to put the baby oil on his chest and abs."

"I will", I replied. Siddharth almost crumpled the papers in his hand. Ofcourse because we both here calling this Sohan guy, who doesn't even exist to be honest, sexy in his presence and talking about rubbing baby oil on his chest.

"Avneet", Siddharth's words were deep and I looked up. "Can I talk to you in my room?" "Now? I am busy", I said. "I need to call Sohan and see if he is available to work tonight. We want to do this shoot under the moon by Mithi River." "YES NOW", he almost yelled and I immediately put the diary down.

Rohan gulped as he whispered in my ears. "This plan of making him jealous using Sohan seems to be working. You know what to do next right?" I nodded and followed him to his room.

Siddharth was sitting on the bed. As soon as I entered, he looked at me. "Really? Right in front of your boyfriend you are going to talk about some other man." "Well Sohan is just modeling for me. I am only using his good looks and great body for the advantage of my project."

"I can model for you too. Why didn't you ask me?" "Well I know the answer would be No. So I didn't bother." "How could you just assume things like that?" "Well for starters, its not something you like doing. Every time I ask to click a picture of us, you spend 15 minutes arguing with me about why do we need pictures? Second the budget of my shoot is low. I cannot afford a Gucci outfit for you to shoot in and you sure wouldn't want to wear something I bought from the mall in the metro station. Lastly this requires skills, Sohan has been modeling for some time now. I don't think you could do it."

Siddharth scoffed. "How dare you think that I wouldn't be able to do it. I am Lord of The Underworld. There is nothing I cannot do." "Except for Model", I said under my breath and he glared at me. "What did your nasty peasant human ass just say?"

"Look Siddharth, looking like a model is not equivalent to modeling. Unless you are Sohan. Well he can do both", I shrugged my shoulders. "Listen to me Avneet Kaur", he pushed me into the bed and towered over me. "Don't compare me to other men. I don't like it. And nor do I like you being around unknown men. So be a good baby girl and get your phone and call that rat and tell him he is no longer a part of the shoot because you have a new fucking model and that is me."

"Fuck", I muttered at how sexy he looked when he was mad. I could just pounce on him right now but I had a character to maintain. I grabbed his shirt and pulled him down on the bed before pushing him onto the bed and climbing on top of him.

"Lucifer, you think you can compete with Sohan?" He scoffed. "Think? Honey, I will crush him." "Fine", I said playing with the button of his shirt. "Let's see what you got. Tomorrow you and I will do the shoot. If your work is satisfactory, you are on. But if not, I will personally call Sohan and make him do the shoot right in front of you."

He smirked and I stood up only to be pulled again on his lap. "I don't like people dominating me but baby you can do it any day because damn woman you looked hot", he whispered in my ears and kissed below it. I let out an inaudible yelp and stood up before running away from there.

Rohan stood outside the door rubbing his hands in anticipation. Seeing me, he immediately approached. Without letting a sound out, I jumped up and down bobbing my hand. He understood what I meant and giggled before jumping with me.

"See I told you we got him didn't I?", he only moved his lips and I hugged him in excitement before both of us left from there.

-Avneet's pov ends-

Siddharth opened the door as he stood by the door smirking. "This kids really think they are going to manipulate me into doing things", he scoffed before closing the door and disappearing.

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