Chapter - 10

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Enjoy the chapter!!

Siddharth sipped the whiskey slightly, letting the amber colored liquid burn his throat. He sat in his favorite spot on the penthouse apartment in the tallest residential building in Mumbai- a window seat by where he could see the entire city in front of him.

Something was really bothering him yet he couldn't place a finger on it. He was the devil, torturing people and getting fun out of it was his thing. But for some reason he wasn't enjoying this. Every time he did something to piss Avneet off, he felt guilty when he saw her cry or break down.

He was becoming a better person and this betrayed his entire existence. His phone flashed and he looked at the number. Swiping on the screen, he placed it near his ear.

"It better be something important." "MASTER! ROHAN!" "What happened to him?", he asked alerted. "He was hurt. He is bleeding- Master. Save him--"

"Shh", he said to the person on the other side. "Stay with Rohan, I will be there where you are." With that he ran up to the roof.

It had been a long time since he had done this. He closed his eyes as he felt his silk pajama top shred. The beautiful raven colored wings he had hidden for so long released themselves as they expanded to their majestic self. His eyes gleamed a dangerous red before he jumped straight out of the roof and within moments he was soaring in the sky. His senses heightened even more as he scanned through the city.

The loud cries became heard from a place not far from his own house and he swooped downwards. Just as he neared the ground, time froze for normal humans allowing him to land without anyone taking notice.

The female and Rohan looked up to see him rush towards them. "What happened? How did this happen?", he asked the female who was sobbing uncontrollably.

"He called me but didn't speak anything and I realized something was wrong. So I sensed his aura and came in to seeing him bleeding here." Siddharth looked at Rohan. He was bleeding black blood. This was possible only one way - dark powers just like his own. Only one person - Aditya. A surge of anger spurted in him.

"We need to take him to the hospital", the female said. "The hospital cannot do shit", he hissed. "We need a healer. This is dark powers. They need to be removed from his body" "Healer?", the lady said tears still streaming down her eyes. "Where do we get a healer from?"

Siddharth closed his eyes and a face flashed right in front of his eyes. "I know one. Take him to my apartment, I will bring him." The female nodded as Siddharth opened his wings before taking off from there.

-Avneet's pov-

I was sitting and watching a drama in the living room when I heard a loud banging on the front door. Scared, I dropped my popcorn. The banging happened once again as since I didn't open, the person broke the door making me scream.

What made me scream even more was a shirtless Siddharth standing there, all worked up as he came barging in.

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?", I screamed at the top of my lungs. "Where is Abhishek?", he growled. It was almost at his words did the other man came rushing in to see what had happened.

"What is going on here? And you? What the hell do you think you are doing roaming shirtless at someone else's house at 2 in the night?", he directed his question to Siddharth.

"I need your help", he said to Abhishek who looked at him perplexed. "amicus indiget auxilio. Obsecro, sana eum" (Latin: My friend needs help. Please heal him.)

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