Chapter - 38

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Hello Everyone. 

Let's start with the chapter.

-Avneet's pov-

Jai refused to let go of my hand. He held it tightly and sobbed as we looked at each other. I had promised myself I wasn't going to cry but it broke within seconds as I was a weeping mess. Why the fuck do I cry so much?

Today was the day we parted. We were leaving Punjab to return to Mumbai.

"The next time I see you little sister, you better be healthy as a horse and that fucker Aditya better be dead." "I promise", I said kissing his hands.

Dad too wiped his tears as he looked at his children. The conversation from earlier with the high priest Armis kept playing in his mind and it was making him numb and restless.

"We must leave Avneet", Siddharth spoke. I nodded and hugged my brother tightly before saying goodbye. "Take care Jai, I will be back soon. And you have the potion I have given you right? The one that wards off evil? Always take it with you everywhere", Reem said to her boyfriend, cupping his soft cheeks with his hands.

"I will baby. Take care of yourself and everyone else too", with that he bent forward and pecked her lips slightly. Reem smiled and so did I. It was heartwarming to see how much they loved each other.

"Bye" With that me, Sid, Dad, Abhi and Reem left the house to go to Mumbai.

The men except for Dad and with the addition of Rohan were set to go to Kangchenjunga, the day after tomorrow.

Dad took the wheel as all of us got settled back and scooted in. With a sigh, he started the car and began driving. I turned back to see Jai Bhai waving at us from the gallery and I mimicked his actions as tears welled up in my eyes. Knowing very well that this could be the only and last time I was seeing him.

-Avneet's pov ends-

The room smelled of wine and blood. It had smelt like this for centuries and this is how he preferred it. This is how Aditya liked it. Sipping on his wine, he watched the view from the window of his palace in hell. A pit of fire was forming in a distance. People was being thrown into it. Screams were erupting from everywhere, and he loved it. This was music to his ears.

A knock was heard on his door. "In", he yelled and the sound of metallic shoe soles hitting the floor filled the room. "Master", a hoarse voice spoke. "What news do you have for me Astul? It better be something I want to hear." Astul smiled. "It is master. The entourage consisting of your brother, your sister and those nasty residents from heaven are headed towards Kangchenjunga."

Aditya smiled taking one more sip of his wine. "That is great news Astul. So the fuckers took the bait, didn't they? Let's get moving now. Its time to continue with the rest of the plan. Open the portal, we are going to earth."

That being said, Aditya chugged the remainder of the wine and slammed the glass on the table as he picked up his coat and followed the man out. The battle had began and he was unstoppable now.

-Avneet's pov-

We arrived at Siddharth's home where Rohan was already waiting for us. He froze at the sight of Dad, who just kept looking at him. The sight of Reem too made him nervous and slightly intimidated.

"Rohan", Dad called the youngest who looked up to meet his eyes. "How are you?" "I am fine Bhaiya. How are you?" He asked to which the older smiled. "I am okay. Better because now I have seen you."

I stopped a giggle as Rohan became like a kid being shy around an adult. "Are you a shape shifter or something?", Reem directed her question to him. "Can you like transform into a rabbit or you only happen to look like one." Rohan blushed red, looking at Siddharth who just shrugged his shoulders.

Seeing how nervous he got, I stepped in. "Stop annoying my little Rohan. And to answer your question Reem, he just looks like a bunny but underneath all this is a muscle pig."

"Stop it", he nudged me and I chuckled. "If we are done playing around, we should discuss the plan", Siddharth said. All of us grew silent and gathered in the living room.

"When we leave day after, Kartik will be with Avneet here. Even though I trust him and his powers enough to protect Avneet, I don't trust my brother. If he wants her, he is going to send an army of demons to fetch her. And that is why we need to make this place secure enough to fend her. I am going to use all my powers and make this house inaccessible to demons. Until I come back and remove the charm, no one, no matter how powerful will be able to break in. And you Avneet and your father will stay inside", Siddharth spoke.

Dad nodded in agreement. He knew what this spell was which Siddharth had been blessed with and right now his house seemed like the best place to protect me.

"My grandfather, what about him", I suddenly realized. "He needs to be here too." "No", Dad said. "Humans cannot survive under such heavy magic. Since you are a halfling Avneet and I am angel, we won't be affected. But your Grandfather won't be able to take it." "But we need to make sure he is safe", tears welled up in my eyes.

"I know someone who can take care of your grandfather", Rohan chimed in as he looked at Siddharth. "Who better than Hell's best warrior?" Siddharth looked down for a second but the next moment his eyes met Rohan's.

"Call her."

The air around us thinned as we all looked in anticipation. Rohan was chanting something and the next moment as small portal opened. Someone stepped out and I furrowed my brows in confusion at how vaguely familiar they looked.

Their face came into view and I gasped in horror as the girl ran a hand through their long hair. "Jannat?"

"Lord Lucifer", she ignored me and turned to Siddharth, bending on one knee in his presence. "Jannat Zubair Rahmani in your service." I looked in horror at both of them.

Jannat knew Siddharth's real identity.

Jannat travelled through portals.

Jannat wasn't human.

Jannat, my best friend lied to me.

Jannat was fucking dead.

"Rise", Siddharth spoke and the woman did as she was asked. "And before I give you your task, kindly deal with my girlfriend and your best friend who is raging in the corner there and looking like she is about to combust into flames." Jannat turned to me, all her seriousness wiping away and her cute cheeks popped up as she smiled at me nervously.

"Hi Avneet." "You bitch", was the only thing Avneet spoke before she charged at the girl, and swung her arm at her in full force.

Jannat is a demon!! Do you all expected that??

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