Chapter - 11

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Let's start with today's chapter.

Siddharth stood in front of the door. Clutching the brush and toothpaste he had gotten for her, he used his other hand to open the doorknob slightly. He expected Avneet to be awake but he was greeted by slight snores which echoed through the whole room.

He walked in so her sprawled across the bed, a leg hanging from the edge while her blanket was flung all over the place. She was one messy sleeper. He carefully placed the products by the table before taking a moment to take a look at her.

He picked up the blanket and covered her with it while lifting her up slightly and placing her towards the center so her legs were no longer awkwardly hanging midair. As he put her down, he took a moment to look at her.

This was the calmest the both of them had ever been around each other and it was only because Avneet was sleeping. Seeing her upclose, he realized how beautiful she actually was. Those features, the hair it reminded him of someone precious he had lost years ago.

He extended a hand as he grazed her cheek and a smile formed on his face. Tucking the hair that had fallen on her face, he stood up before walking away and closing the door behind him.

-Avneet's pov-

I woke up the next morning feeling groggy and tired. As I opened my eyes, for a moment I was taken aback by my unfamiliar surroundings until the events from last night played in my mind.

I stretched my arms and yawned as my eyes fell on a new toothbrush and toothpaste lying on the table. How did this come here? Probably Abhi must have gotten it. I smiled as I picked it up and went into the bathroom to refresh myself. After carefully folding the blankets and returning them to the cupboard, I stepped out.

It was empty until I heard a loud thud in the kitchen. I ran to see their friend who had been hurt earlier doing something. He saw me and paused.

"Oh you must be Avneet", he said with a cheeky grin and I nodded. "I am Rohan", he replied. "Oh Rohan, how are you feeling now? I heard from Abhishek and Siddharth that you had an accident." "Accident? Oh yeah- yeah right. I had an accident. I am fine now."

Strange - I thought to myself. Why did he stutter? "Uh, do you need anything? Can I do something for you. You must rest", I offered. "I just wanted some breakfast", he said shyly. "Pancakes, but I don't know how to make them."

I giggled. "I know how to, I can make them for you" "You can? But, I-- I mean, I don't want to make you do something for me. You are a guest here and you should first have your breakfast--" "Rohan", I cut him off. "It's okay. I don't mind. Plus I really like cooking things for people. I would love to make pancakes for you."

"Really?" "Yes really" "Ah Avu you are the sweetest. I can help you out", he said enthusiastically. "You don't have to help me. You can just sit here and guide me where the ingredients and pans are." He nodded and propelled himself on the kitchen counter.

Siddharth had a huge kitchen and it was beautiful. Lined with white marble and stainless steel, I was having a moment working here. The pans and pots he used were all top Michelin restaurant quality and don't even get me started on the knife set.

"Bhaiya also cooks very well", Rohan chimed in, munching on chocolate chips. "He does?", I asked. "Then why doesn't he cook at home and keep annoying me by coming to our restaurant?" Rohan paused and so did I. I shouldn't have said that in front of him. I mean they are friends after all.

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