Chapter - 15

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Here's the next chapter.

-Avneet's pov-

2 weeks - 2 weeks had passed since I came to know of Siddharth's identity. The first two - three days has been awkward as I was still wrapping my head around the fact that his real identity was of the devil. But since then, we had become quite chill. He still nagged me and scolded me in class but other than that I did feel like we were bonding more.

My health had improved slightly because I hadn't experienced any nose bleeds or blood coughs since the time at the burger shop so I was convinced, I was healing.

Abhi and I made up after my little outburst. Though I couldn't tell him about Siddharth yet. Abhishek would be freaked out and probably go crazy.

Same was with grandpa. Jannat apologized profusely and seeing her puppy dog eyes, I couldn't refuse and also because I had so many things to tell her. I mean how long can you stay mad at your best friend?

The past week Mohan, his assistant was on a leave so he had asked if one of us volunteered to fill in for him. Nitika and her group were pretty excited, so were tons of other people. Despite that, being the asshole that he was, he made me his assistant. For which let me tell you - I got a lot of hate from the Bimbo gang.

So here I was sitting in his office filing documents. "Siddharth" He looked up to meet my eyes, an eyebrow raised. "What is it?" "So um, I was thinking. If you wear Prada, does it make that - The Devil wears Prada?"

Both of us paused for a moment before I burst into a laugh, impressed at this high quality joke that I had made.

-Avneet's pov ends-

Siddharth sighed as he put his pen down. These Devil jokes and absurd questions were really getting out of hand now. Just two days ago she had asked him if "in bookstores in hell, are bibles in the fiction section?"

"Avneet, let me tell you something. Do you know what they say about testing a devil's patience?", he asked.

-Avneet's pov-

I stopped laughing as I saw faint black smoke circulate on the carpet. Siddharth was looking at me and I gulped.

"It seems you don't know. So let me tell you - if you test a devil's patience, you get dragged to the last ring of hell. Do you know what there is in the last walt of hell? People are frozen in ice and left out to die. Or we could go to the sixth walt as well where they are made into a flaming tomb, you take your pick, where do you want to go?", he stood up and started walking towards me.

The black smoke darkened and it started becoming darker and darker in the room. I fell from my chair as I crept back. The floor had started to shake. His eyes were turning black and his hair growing streaks of red just like his skin.

Just where he stood, suddenly the floor started to widen and red and yellow light emerged from it like flames. I was shivering in fear as I pushed myself back away from that crack. Tears rolled down my eyes.

"I am sorry, I am sorry. I will not make these jokes, please stop--", I screamed as I fell to my

knees begging.

-Avneet's pov ends-

Siddharth snapped out of it and soon the entire room turned to normal. He saw Avneet on the floor crying and he panicked. He was just trying to pull a prank. He wasn't going to take her to hell.

He immediately rushed to her, as she was whimpering on the ground, tears rolling down her eyes. "Hey, hey, I am not going to take you to hell", he said hugging her. "I was just pulling a prank. I am not going to do anything. Stop crying", he said hugging her tighter.

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