Chapter - 39

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Next chapter is here!!


-Avneet's pov-

"Are you not going to talk to me?", Jannat asked pressing the ice bag into her cheeks where I had just decked her hard.

"Never. Not in a million years." "Avneet", she sighed. "How was I to come and tell you that I am a demon? I wanted you to be my friend and I didn't want you to freak out." "I would have never judged you for being a demon when I myself am not fully human", I replied. "What?", she asked startled.

"That man over there", I said pointing to Dad in the corner talking to Abhi, "is my father and he is Kartik, one of the biggest angels in heaven." "No way", Jannat gasped. "That's crazy. Now wait a minute", she crossed her arms. "Why did you not tell me about that?"

"Hey hey hey", I yelled defensively. "Don't make this about me. Its about you." Jannat was about to say something until Siddharth walked in. "Master", Jannat immediately stood up and bowed to him. I scoffed. "Now I get it. Why Jannat kept getting A and A+ in every assignment even though it was written so shitty. It's because 'her master' favored his own people over the other students. I am going to report you to the school for favoritisms", I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Sure sweetie", Siddharth stopped a smile as he tried to pull my cheeks. I swat his hand away and I looked to the other side. Jannat giggled and I glared at her, causing her to immediately shut up.

"Now, Avneet. We should get to the point", Siddharth looked at me. I understood that he no longer was being playful and it was time for serious discussion.

"What is the matter Master? You requested my presence so suddenly", Jannat was confused. Siddharth sighed. "Its Aditya." All color from Jannat's face disappeared and it was replaced by a mix of disgust and scowl. "He is behind Avneet. Since she is a halfling, he wants—" "To sacrifice her on the night of the blood moon", Jannat completed and looked at me. I nodded and she put a hand over mine.

"We are going to Kangchenjunga to seal the portal. Avneet and her father will stay here and I will place the barrier charm on it. But Avneet's grandfather is alone and I need you to protect him." "Your wish is my command", she bowed. "Don't worry Avneet, I won't let anything happen to your grandfather and Aditya can choke on a dick." I smiled at her reassurance.

"Jannat is our best warrior", Siddharth said proudly. "There is barely anyone in hell who can fight like her." "My father trained me", she said to me. "He is Master's second in command." "Wow", this all felt so unreal. "Now that I think about it, no wonder you refused to wear that cross and threw it away", I chuckled. "What cross?", Siddharth asked. "It was when I found out you were the devil", I said embarrassed. Siddharth chuckled. "Oh Jannat, did she tell you about how she brought a rosary and bible and yelled prayers in my office-"

"Shut up", I said clasping a hand over his mouth. Jannat just held her stomach as she laughed at this. Seeing me and Siddharth bicker like a couple, she was convinced how much we loved each other. And she was so glad her master was in love with someone so pure and beautiful who also happened to be her best friend.

I turned and moved around in my bed, unable to sleep. I wanted to actually sleep in Siddharth's room. But the moment Dad saw me, he kept hovering around there. It was evident that he didn't want me to sleep there. So he kept nagging me — asking me if he could tug me into the bed. Even after refusing him thrice, he still stood there. So with a heavy heart I walked into another room. But most of the days, I would sleep cuddling Siddharth and now without him I found it difficult to sleep.

I stood up as I walked to the door. Unable to take it anymore, I was going to go to Sid's room. As quietly as I could, I turned the knob and stepped out. With tippy toes, I walked towards his room. I couldn't afford to make any noise. Even one little twitch and they would all be out of their rooms.

On the cold marble floor, I walked towards the room. Out of nowhere I felt someone pull me. I was all set to scream but a hand was clasped over my mouth.

"Its me", Siddharth whispered in my ear and let go. I turned around only to meet his eyes. The surprised expression of mine turned into a scowl as I jabbed his shoulder and gave him a 'what the fuck are you doing' expression.

He put a finger to his lips and pointed at his room. I understood and we walked there. Once in, I flung myself on the bed, face down. Siddharth wrapped his hands around me, making me face him.

"Why were you out?", he asked. "I was coming to your room. And what about you?" "I was coming to your room as well", he giggled, giving me his monkey smile. "I was trying to make sure I did not wake your father up." "Me too." "Couldn't sleep?", I asked. "Nah", he shook his head. "I blame it on you. I am just so used to sleeping while cuddling you, I cannot sleep alone." "Same", I giggled. "That is why I was going to come here."

"So what are we waiting for then?", he immediately opened the blanket for me to get in. With a chuckle I got under the sheets as he wrapped the both of us in it, pressing my back into his chest. I felt a kiss on my head and I closed my eyes content.

"Everything will be okay Avneet", he said to me. "Aditya will never be able to hurt you." "I trust you my love, more than anything", I replied. He kissed me again, this time on the temple after which I closed my eyes. The last thing I heard was a snap of fingers that caused pitch darkness and Siddharth's arm around my waist.

The four men stood at the door as they waited for Siddharth to begin. Me and Dad stood at the back. Siddharth closed his eyes, his lips moving as he chanted some spell. Slowly a red light filled the room, scaling itself from the floor to the roof.

I watched as the the colored waves filled the entire house and in the next second vanished. He opened his eyes and nodded at me. The spell was cast. The house was no impermeable.

"Avneet, no matter what, do not leave the house. If you leave once, you will not be able to enter again. Your father can because he is an angel. But you cannot. No other beings will be able to enter except for the four of us. Wait for us to come back." I nodded as I remembered every detail he said.

"We must leave now Siddharth", Abhi said. "The drive to Kangchenjunga is long and we don't have a lot of time." Siddharth nodded and looked at me once again.

I walked to him. He stood there as I went on my tip-toe and hugged him tightly. "Take care", I whispered. He wrapped his arms around me, closing his eyes. "I will."

When he parted, he looked at my lips. He bent down to kiss me but stopped as a cough interrupted us. Dad was staring right at us. "Oh Brother, stop it", Abhi scoffed. "What!", his voice was high pitched. "I just wanted to cough."

"Don't mind him", I said to Siddharth and was about to kiss him when I stopped. I turned to see four pair of eyes staring at us. "Can we have some privacy", I scoffed. All of them looked the other way while Abhishek forced Dad to turn around. I giggled at them before looking at Siddharth. Wrapping my arms around him once more, I connected my lips to his. We closed our eyes as he held me close to himself.

As I parted I smiled. Putting a hand to his cheek, I stroked it. "Bye, I will see you soon." He nodded. With that I walked to other boys. One by one, I gave all of them a hug and wished them well.

One last look at Siddharth, I waved to him as all of them left. Dad placed an around me and from the main door we walked to the living room.

Several hours passed in the blink of an eye. I was watching a movie while Dad was sitting by the windows, keeping an eye out for anything out of the ordinary.

His phone buzzed and I looked over to see Jai Bhai calling. "Dad its Jai", I said. He stood up and walked to where I was. He placed the phone at his ear. "Yes Jai?"

Nothing. No one spoke from the other side.


Silence again.

"Jai", now it was Dad's time to fret. His face turned completely serious and I too stood up as I realized something wasn't right.


"DAD! DAD! SAVE ME DAD! PLEASE", after which a scream was heard and the phone call got cut off.

Siddharth and others went to finish Aditya. And here Jai is in some kind of danger. What happened to him??

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