Chapter - 19

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Chapter 19 is here!!

-Avneet's pov-

After so much insistence from Bhavin, we stepped out to eat for dinner. He felt that I needed a

distraction and despite me wanting to wallow in my grief and spend some time alone, he dragged me out of the house.

We both went to a pizza shop to get pizza. Bhavin ordered while I sat by myself, looking around.

I felt a strange sensation - as if someone had eyes on me. I looked out of the window display of the shop to see a man with a long black coat looking at where I was. He had his face covered so I couldn't see who that was. We made eye contact for two seconds before he walked away from there.

He looked very weird and I felt slight uneasiness. But seeing him leave, I was relieved. Guess I was overthinking stuff.

Bhavin came back with our pizza and I turned all my attention to him, completely forgetting about the creep.

-Avneet's pov ends-

They talked as they ate, Bhavin trying to initiate most of the conversations. Even though he didn't get a lot of response from her, he was glad to get her to come out atleast.

He knew it wasn't easy for her to come to terms with whatever that happened, and now as her only family apart from Grandfather, it was his duty to make everything right.

-Avneet's pov-

We paid and left as we walked in silence. "Avneet Let's get ice cream", Bhavin said tugging on my hand. "I am fine Bhai, you can get it. I am not in the mood for ice-cream."


"Bhai I don't really want ice cream--" "Look Avneet, the one thing that we have both bonded on ever since we were young was ice cream. Do you not remember sneaking out of the house to get ice cream at 1 in the night? We put our whole life on line to get that and now you have the heart to say no to me", he fake cried, pretending to flick the tears out of his eyes. "This is what I get for all I have done?"

"Okay. OKAY. Just stop, we will get ice cream", I said calming him down as the other customers looked at us. Bhavin grinned, flashing his beautiful smile as he pulled me to the ice cream counter.

"Evening, how can I help you?", the server asked as we browsed through the selection. "I am having this crisis right now", Bhavin rubbed his chin. "I want the belgium chocolate but I also want nutella. Coffee seems good too." "Same", I replied. "I cannot choose between mocha and chocolate."

"Sir, Mam, I would recommend you try the Mint Chocolate ic--" "EWWW NOOO", both of us shouted at the same time startling the server who backed away a little - shocked. Me and Bhavin looked at each other before we both burst into laughter. Guess our mutual hate for Mint Chocolate was still a thing. After finally deciding on our ice-cream, we moved out of the shop and began walking towards his house.

As Bhavin was busy talking about his latest songs while nibbling on the ice cream, I felt someone follow us. I repeatedly turned back only to be met with absolute emptiness. The streets were dark and there wasn't a soul in sight.

Human soul - did I specify? Because there were tons of those FUCKING DEMONS.

I halted as in front of me stood an army of men in black hoods, their eyes black like the ones I had seen the day I got bitten.

Bhavin stopped as he chased my line of vision. His mouth opened slightly as he gaped at the creatures, not sure if the people in front of him really had fucking black eyes which glowed.

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