Chapter - 25

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Aditya was standing on the roof glancing at the city below when he felt a presence behind him. A smirk formed on his face as he slowly turned.

"Hello Brother, It's been a long time. So you did finally find me", he chuckled. Siddharth did not say anything as he stepped closer to him until they were almost a couple of steps away from one another.

Aditya's eyes scanned his huge raven wings in their full glory, shining as the moon light him them. His face hardened as he felt a jealousy within himself.

"Indeed it has been a long time Aditya", Siddharth said in his deep menacing voice. "It seems with me not around you seem to have gained a lot of courage. It must take a lot of guts to meddle in the devil's business."

Aditya chuckled. "Awe, is big brother scared that I will take his precious little Avneet away from him?"

At the mention of Avneet, Siddharth growled as his hands grabbed Aditya collar. A faint red hue appeared on his skin and he had to control himself from not taking up devil form.

"How cute. Look how worked up you got just at the mention of that girl. You were all ready to harm me for a mere halfling girl? Father wouldn't have been happy."

He immediately let go of Aditya who stumbled a few steps. "Listen to me you fucker. Go back to hell while I am being nice. Don't force me to do something that you will regret. You seem to be forgetting that at the end of the day I am the lord of hell and that I HAVE THE POWER TO END ANYONE I WANT", he spat those words at Aditya. "So leave while I am giving you a chance because trust me if you so as to even look towards Avneet, I will personally take up the task of torturing you in hell."

Both the men glared at one another. Siddharth's eyes gleaming red while Aditya's a faint purple. Having made his point, Siddharth turned around to leave.

Aditya felt a fury within himself as his hands sparked. Not being able to contain his anger, he directed his powers towards Siddharth. Siddharth sensed it and just as he turned, the glowing ball of red came at him. He raised his hand and it stopped in front of him before vanishing into thin air.

When he had come here, he hadn't expected this to escalate into a fight. But seeing no choice, he had to use his powers.

Aditya screamed as Siddharth put his mental torture to use. Increasing the intensity of it, the other man was almost on his knees trying his hardest to not break down and look weak. It was so intense that his nose started to bleed and it wasn't until Aditya was on the floor shaking in pain that Siddharth stopped.

"Pathetic. That is what you are. Do you want to know why you weren't the lord of hell?", Siddharth bent down while Aditya barely opened his eyes glancing at his older brother, gasping for air as tears rolled down his eyes.

"Because you are so weak. You don't have what it takes to be a king. The only thing you can do well is to attack people from behind because you know you will never win if you challenge me upfront. Accept it Aditya, I will always be superior to you and clearly more powerful. You cannot even wish to be where I am in your dreams."

Aditya glared at the man whose words stabbed him in the heart. All his insecurities, weaknesses and failures being mentioned right in front of him.

He watched as Siddharth stood up to leave while he lay on the ground helpless, not being able to recover from the attack. His brother had almost walked away until he stopped and glanced back at him.

"You are the son of someone I considered my father. That is why I am letting you live. But the next time if you cross me Aditya, I am afraid I won't be this merciful." With that in a swift motion, he opened his wings and took flight as Aditya watched him disappear into the sky.

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