Chapter - 9

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Here's the chapter guys!

-Avneet's pov-

"Jannu", I yelled as I saw Jannat. It had been a long time since I had been to class and seeing this girl made me so happy. "Avneet", she yelled, taking me into an embrace. "I missed you so much. Are you attending again?" "I am", I replied.

"Don't tell me you listened to Professor Nigam and actually wrote the book 10 times" "I had no choice." I said recalling the incident and also the bitter memory of him tossing my work into trash.

"Shit", Jannat was surprised. "He is a little extreme, isn't he?" "Jannat, kid - look. If you get me started, you are gonna have to listen to me bitching about him for hours. So it's best you don't say things like these and get me riled up. Because my blood boils everytime someone mentions him."

Jannat giggled. "Okay I won't. Now, we don't want little Miss Avneet here to go to hell for throwing hands on Professor Nigam do we?" "Hell?" I asked confused. "Yeah prison. Prison is like hell, isn't it. I am sure it is not a very nice place." She replied.

"I will go to heaven", I replied cockily. "He must have probably done so many people wrong, I would avenge all of them and give rest to their wandering souls seeking for vendetta. Definitely heaven", I said stomping my fist on the desk.

"I am not so sure about that", Jannat muttered under her breath but I didn't quite catch that. The door opened and in walked the so called devil. Clutching his usual book and a diary, his assistant followed behind with a thick stack of papers.

"Looks like he evaluated our assignment", Jannat commented. Mohit his assistant walked around the class as he distributed the papers.

Jannat grabbed hers as I looked at her grade. A- : that was impressive. But I definitely put in much more effort than she did. Maybe he was impressed with how well I had analyzed the work and decided to give me an A or better, an A+.

" Avneet Kaur ", Mohit called out for my name and I raised my hand slightly. "Here" He handed me my paper. I had butterflies in my stomach as I anticipated my grade. The smile on my face fell as soon as I saw it. C- Not even C or C+. He gave me a C- for an assignment which I knew I had written quite brilliantly. I looked at Jannat who was looking at me shocked.

"How is it even possible", she murmured. "You probably put in more effort than the entire class combined. I read your analysis myself - something must be wrong. He probably got confused and gave you this grade."

"Both me and you know Jannat that is not the case. And everyone in this class knows about how much he hates me. I am glad it isn't an F at least. Brave of me to assume he would like this and score me well."

-Avneet's pov ends-

Siddharth who was writing something on the board stopped for a second as he heard this conversation. He was interrupted by Mohit asking him something which took over his attention.

-Avneet's pov-

Class ended as usual. Surprisingly I hadn't been pointed out or asked to answer even once. So it was a relatively better class. I walked past the Nitika and her group until I heard them brag about their grades. "Professor Nigam can recognize talent when he sees one. Look, he gave me an A", she said waving her paper in the air.

What the actual fuck. I don't mind getting a C. But that Bitch Nitika getting a grade higher than me and that too an A! BITCH NEVER. "Give it to me", I snatched it from her hand as I read through the paper and my eyes widened.

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