Chapter - 34

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Here is the next chapter!

-Avneet's pov-

We waited on the curb outside the house. Me and Siddharth because I forced him to come along with me. He said he could do without meeting the third and last member of the Angel Kartik family but I put on a little bit of drama and fake tears to convince him.

Abhishek was also coming along but for the last two days he had been staying with Dad. Thank god he wasn't home yesterday or he would have known I stayed over at Siddharth and I would have been dead. Grandpa didn't really know when we came or left the house so it was okay. He was easy to deal with. Abhishek on the other hand was like a really strict warden though.

An Audi pulled up and I gasped at how beautiful it was. Siddharth on the other hand scoffed before muttering a 'show off' under his breath. I hit him with my elbow. "You are exactly the same and show off even more. Don't taunt my father for it."

The car stopped in front of us and Dad got out along with Abhishek. "Are you guys ready? Lets go", he said picking up our bags. I nodded and put them in. We both got in at the back as Dad began driving.

I felt a pit in my stomach. My brother. I had a brother, and I was going to meet him today. All through my childhood I had seen kids with siblings and I had never felt lonelier. But today, I might finally meet the person who I could call my own sibling.

What was he like? Was he like me? Did he look like me and Dad? What did he like? Did he have any hobbies? What if he didn't like me? What if he hated me because Dad was with my mother while his mother never had the opportunity to be with Dad.

I rubbed my hands in nervousness. Siddharth looked to the side to see me looking a little down. I immediately felt a hand on mine. Siddharth was looking at me worried. "What happened?", he asked softly and I looked ahead to see what Dad and Abhi were doing before I replied to him.

They were busy arguing over something so I am sure they weren't listening to us. "I am nervous", I replied. "What if he doesn't like me." "Then I will torture him till he does", he just shrugged his shoulders. I was taken aback for a moment but dismissing it as one of his stupid talks, I slapped his shoulder. "I am serious Siddharth."

Siddharth chuckled as I hit him. "Why wouldn't he like you? Of course you are annoying and loud and sometimes irritating but other than that what is not there to like about you?" I slapped him once again and he laughed even louder.

"Siddharth I am being serious. Stop joking" "I wasn't joking tho", he said with a straight face. "Siddharth Nigam", I growled in anger. "I will push you off this car if you don't shut up." He grinned before pulling me towards himself in a side hug. "Annoying you is so much fun."

"Hey hey hey.. what happened?", Abhishek asked turning back to face us. Even Dad was looking through the mirror. "Avneet's worried her brother won't like her", Siddharth confessed shamelessly and my eyes widened. I hit his lap.

"Why are you saying this out loud?", I whispered yelled at him. "Avneet", Dad said from the front. "Why would you think that?", he asked a little confused. "I don't know Dad", I looked away. "I have friends who don't really get along with their half siblings and I am just worried Jai won't like me. What if he gets angry at me or worse says that he hates me. Did you even ask his permission before you took me along to meet him?"

Dad looked at Abhishek before the both of them burst into laughter. I looked at Siddharth who seemed equally out of place.

"Sweetie", Dad spoke. "Jai is the sweetest guy you will ever meet. And when I say sweet I am not even exaggerating. I often ask him if he has sugar syrup running in his blood stream because he is that sweet. And also the kindest. He cries if he ever kills an insect by mistake. And to answer your question about me bring you he was the one who insisted I bring you along. He has been begging me for the past month. He wants to meet you. He was in Mumbai two weeks ago and kept nagging me to take him to see you but I refused because you were not well. That is why we planned the whole trip today." I breathed in relief as I heard this. A smile formed on my face. Siddharth too saw it and nudged me. "Are you relived now", he asked and I nodded my head.

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