Chapter - 37

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How are you all??

-Avneet's pov-

"You are awake?" I looked up to see Siddharth looking at me in concern. I nodded as I straightened up, trying my best to not make any noise which would wake Abhishek up.

Siddharth scooted beside me and out of habit I wrapped my arms around him and snuggled my face in his chest. A part of me was glad he didn't hear the guy and Dad talking. I could only imagine what his reaction would be. He would have probably murdered the guy right here. Also, I did not have the emotional strength to deal with it right now. So it was best if he was kept in the dark.

"Does it hurt?", he asked stroking my head. "Absolutely not. I am fine as the day, my dude", I responded with a giggle. "Don't joke. I was being serious", his hand stopped stroking my head and I looked up to meet his eyes, all playfulness disappearing from me.

"I am sorry. It doesn't hurt. I just thought I should make the mood light." He did not say anything but I saw his Adam's apple move slightly.

"Avneet", he called out to me softly and I saw him in tears. It wasn't often that you saw the lord of the underworld crying and my heart clenched in despair knowing that I was the reason he was shedding tears right now.

"I am sorry", he spoke almost inaudibly. "I am sorry, I cannot do anything to make this stop. I---", more tears rolled down his eyes and he hid his face in his hands.

"Siddharth", I managed to propel myself up despite not having an ounce of strength in my body. It took me a little effort but I managed to removed his hands from his face. His cheeks were glistening with tears. Using my sweater paws, I wiped it.

"Do you believe in me Sid?" "Believe what?", he spoke through tears. "Me. Believe me? Do you have faith in me?" He nodded slightly. "How much?", I asked. He parted his hands wide like a kid to show me how much and I smiled. "So will you believe me when I say that I am going to get through this and be with you."

He didn't say anything but more tears rolled down his eyes. I took his hand in mine as I kissed the top. "This is going to pass soon and at the end of this, I am going to be fit and fine and be with you. I don't want you to worry, you know why? Because I have you, Dad, Abhi, Jai and Reem. And I know you all will take care of me. So trust me okay? Trust me when I say all of it will be fine." He nodded his head and I wrapped my arms around him, resting his head on my chest as I kissed his hair.

I lied but if that made him happy, I was willing to hide the truth till the end. Awkward silence filled the air. No one said anything. Everyone just sat in a circle, lamenting to their own selves. Dad looked down. Must be his conversation with that white haired guy from earlier. Jai Bhai's eyes were puffed, he must have been crying. Reem was caressing his head slowly. Abhi looked like someone had sucked all life out of him. I felt so bad because he was in this condition trying to save me. Siddharth on the other hand was seating quietly beside me, holding my hand.

All of them were like this because of me. It scared me to see what would happen when my end would arrive. A tingling sensation happened on my skin. Suddenly Siddharth was up. I looked around to see everyone was alert. The air began thinning and all a bright light emerged.

"Look away", Siddharth told me and I did as I was asked. Even Reem used her jacket to cover Jai.

Suddenly I heard footsteps. I looked around to see a girl standing there. From her looks I could say this was Vani, Siddharth often talked about her and his description matched the way she looked. She was his sister or something.

Our eyes met and none of us looked away. Then she bowed at me and I not knowing how to react, just sat there. She halted at the sight of Dad. Putting her hands to her side, she bent slightly which Dad reciprocated. Then lastly, she turned to Siddharth.

"Master, we have a problem." "What is it Vani?", Siddharth asked. She took a deep breath and looked down. "It's Aditya."

"When were you going to tell me?", Dad yelled as he slammed Siddharth into the wall. "DAD STOP", I screamed as I tried to pull him away.

After Vani left, Dad had come to know about Aditya. Aditya was Apparently trying to open some portal or something which would allow all demons to freely enter earth and for that he needed to be stopped.


"DAD STOP", I yelled once again with tears and he let go of Siddharth immediately. "Avneet, you don't understand how dangerous this all is. And for him to hide it from me, I—", he stopped, frustration getting the better of him. "I know Dad, I know everything", I said.

"We have to stop him", Abhi spoke. "Lets seal the portal so he cannot come to earth." All of them looked at him as he slowly stood up. "If I am correct", he began. "There is a portal right above Kangchenjunga which is the main portal for entering earth. If you close that, none of the portals can be operated. So lets just stop him before he tries to open it."

"He's right", Reem spoke. "If the demons make their way to earth, it will be hard to stop them. The best thing to do is to stop it at the source." "How is that possible?", I asked. "We need people from hell who have the ability to open and close portals", Reem spoke in response to my question.

"The lady that arrived a few moments ago, Vani, she is one. If 2-3 of them can try, we can lock it. And I can put a spell powerful enough for it to be locked until the red moon passes." "Rohan can do it", Siddharth spoke after being silent for so long. "And so can I."

"That's it then", Abhi sounded hopeful. "Rohan, Vani and Siddharth close the portal. Reem can seal it with her magic. And I can come along as a healer if I am required." All of them nodded in approval.

"Can I come too?", I asked. "No sweetie", Reem gave me a sad smile. "These portals are powerful. Humans or halflings cannot resist them. If you get sucked into it, you will be locked out of earth and then there would be no way, we could bring you back." I nodded in understanding.

"But what if Aditya tries to do something when you all are away", Jai added. "He won't", Dad looked at him. "Because I will be there with Avneet."

"So we have a plan then?", Abhishek looked at everyone. All of them agreed and I had never seen such energy radiating from them.

"Lets put an end to that motherfucker Aditya, once and for all", Reem smirked.

And all of them are ready to destroy Aditya. Are you all ready to see him dead??

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