Chapter 1

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*Set in Chapter 51 of Fighting Feelings. I recommended reading over that chapter first*

Zack's POV

The crowd screams as Cameron knocks out the guy, and I smile, cheering as well.

It's Friday night, aka, the night our bar hosts its weekly illegal fighting matches. And as per usual, Cameron is doing amazing

A few minutes later he walks over, taking a seat on one of the stools directly in front of where I was standing. I grin. "You make it look effortless dude," I say, causing him to chuckle.

I grab a pint glass, before filling it halfway with coke. I slide the glass towards him. "You forgot the alcohol," Cameron says. "No, I didn't. It's a school night. No alcohol" I tell him, and he rolls his eyes.

"It's Friday," He says, and I freeze slightly.

Friday already? Wow.

I shrug. "You're too young" I decide. "You just love rubbing in the fact that you're older" He scoffs, and I grin. "Indeed I do," I say proudly.

I look around, trying to see if I spot Henry anywhere. But he's so short that there's no point. My eye's do however land on the guy pushing through the crowd, his eyes on Cameron.


"Go now," I tell him, keeping my eyes on the guy the whole time as he gets closer.

Cameron thankfully listens, stands up quickly, and turns in the direction of the doors.

But he's not fast enough, and I watch as my boss places a hand on his shoulder.

Shit shit shit.

I've worked here for years, and I've only seen this guy on one occasion, and I'm okay with that. I've heard enough rumours to know I don't want to speak with this guy. Since I'm not the kindest person and that guy is the last person you should insult.

I've heard rumours about how he has connections with a fucking mafia. He uses this bar to watch out for good fighters, and when one catches his interest, he tells his little mafia buddies and boom! The guy disappears.

I will not let that happen to Cameron. I thought since he only shows up once- maybe twice a month that he'd go unnoticed. Clearly, I was wrong

Cameron freezes when he turns around, which is weird but I don't have time to dwell on it. "Hey," I yell. I quickly jump over the bartop, before quickly walking up to them.

I wedge myself in between Cameron and him, causing him to drop his grip on Cameron so he can go. It also causes me to be standing rather close to the guy who's now staring down at me. His eyes are narrowed as his head tilts ever so slightly to the side.

"Move" He orders.

Jesus Christ, his voice is hot. I ignore the fact it nearly sent shivers down my spine, since now. is. not. the. fucking. time.

"Hey, boss. So I'm very concerned about the lack of lemon slices. It's a real issue here" I blurt out, making it up as I go.

Lemon slices? Fucking lemon slices Zack, really?

The side of his mouth tilts up into a smirk.

"Get out of my way or I'll make you," He tells him. He's sending threats already? I thought I could stall for at least another minute before we got to this stage.

And why the fuck isn't Cameron running?

"Well, you see, in my job contract it states you're not allowed to touch me" I say. As if a fucking piece of paper would stop this guy.

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