Chapter 36

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Leo's POV

We all cheer when Harriet takes the last shot, successful in the challenge of doing five shots in ten seconds.

She winces from the taste, while Clayton throws an arm around her shoulder and kisses her temple.

We're at some bar downtown, having a competition to see who can rack up the biggest tab.

We're getting a few stares from the people around us, most seeming entertained by us. Clayton and Harriet chose not to get the bar closed for tonight, saying it would ruin the atmosphere. Whatever that means.

I bring the beer bottle I'm holding up to my lips, taking a sip as I look around.

Elijah and Quinn are half dancing to the music playing, both looking tipsy.

Julian and Ezra are sitting in a booth with Harriet and Clayton, all of them doing more shots except Ezra. He's the biggest lightweight you've ever fucking met, so all he's allowed drink tonight is beer.

Casey is with his girlfriend Amara, watching her amused while she seems to be waffling on about something. I'm guessing she's not so sober either.

Diana- poor Diana- is sitting at a booth, her glass of coke in hand. She's a few months pregnant, and for obvious reasons, will be staying clear of alcohol tonight.

She's sitting with mam- yes, mam. Our fifty-seven-year-old mother is here with us tonight, on not her first- not even her second!- but on her third glass of white wine. She's going crazy tonight.

Sage is standing, talking to Alex while Charlotte leans against his side. Sage has his arm around her shoulder, and I'm not sure if it's to make sure she doesn't fall or not. Charlotte seems to be the first one to get drunk tonight, although the way Julian, Harriet and Clayton are inhaling shots, I'd say they're not far behind.

Alex seems to be staying pretty sober tonight- probably because of Diana. He's been nursing his third beer for thirty minutes now. Meanwhile Sage is on his eighth, yet of course, still looks like Sage.

When Sage is drunk, you barely notice it. The only difference is he laughs a lot more frequently. It's kind of hilarious. One time I spilt a drop of my drink on my shirt, and the fucker lost it like it was the funniest shit to ever happen.

Jay is sitting at the bar, a glass of whiskey in his hand as he does the same as me- watch everyone else. Sometimes it's just as fun to stay sober, just to witness everyone else in their drunken state. Plus- you wake up free of a hangover.

It's not in my plan to stay sober, although I'm not purposely aiming to get drunk either. I'm just going with the flow, and if that ends up with me drunk shitless, so be it. But I doubt it. My tolerance is the highest out of all of us. I've been building it for thirteen years after all.

I go over to Jay, sitting beside him. "Who are we betting gets the most drunk tonight?" I ask, and he looks around.

"Apart from those three?" He nods his head at Clayton, Harriet and Julian. Ezra's gone, but I spot him at the bar paying for three bottles of water. I snort. "Fifty bucks says they get alcohol poisoning on the wedding" I laugh, and Jay playfully glares at me. "Don't jinx it".

"How're the girls?" I ask, and he hums, checking his phone for new messages. Obviously, Alora and Becca were not invited out with us tonight. Much to their disappointment. They're at home being watched by Chris, our family's driver. He's also a family friend.

"Asleep after watching Tangled" Jay tells me, and I smile.

Jay looks out at everyone else again, a small smile on his face.

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