Chapter 32

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Zack's POV

"Hey boss"

I jump, turning to see Henry leaning against the bar beside me, smiling. I stare at him suspiciously, slowly turning back and focusing on cleaning down the bartop in front of me.

"What did you do?" I mumble, scared of the answer.

"Nothing" He shrugs, and I glance at him. He grins and leans in closer. "Did you hear what happened?" He whispers.

I stare at him confused. It's Saturday afternoon and the bar doesn't open for another half hour. We're currently the only ones here- so why is he whispering?

"What?" I mumble, turning my attention to him. I'll admit it, I fucking love drama.

"Between Tiffany and Shauna," Henry says, and I scowl. "Just tell me already".

He laughs. "Okay so Gabriel said that they liked each other, but then Tiffany saw Shauna with her ex, Brian. So then Tiffany went and start talking with her ex. Yesterday, Tiffany went back to her ex's house after a date and saw Shauna making out with her ex Brian on the couch. Apparently Tiffany's ex and Shauna's ex are roommates!" Henry whispers, and I laugh loudly.

Talk about having shit luck.

What are the fucking chances?

"They're both not speaking to each other," Henry tells me, and I grin. "I'll make sure to put them on the same shifts then," I say. Henry snorts. "Your evil"

I sigh. "And bored".

Very bored.

I reach into my back pocket and take out a ten-dollar note. I hand it to Henry. "Run down to the cafe and grab us a box of donuts," I tell him, and I hold back a scoff from the way his eyes light up.

"Love you, boss!' Henry yells as he runs to the door. I roll my eyes playfully as the door slams shut behind him.

I check the time, seeing we open in twenty-five minutes. I already want to go home, so, therefore, I'm gonna need donuts to get me through this shift.

Shauna is working tonight, so she should be here soon. I continue cleaning the bartop, just to give me something to do.

Leo is still gone.

I don't really mind though. I'm happy knowing he's starting to feel better.

Plus he texts me every ten fucking minutes, so it's like he was never gone.

The sound of glass shattering makes me jump, and I quickly look up to see the window smashed, and a rock sitting on the floor surrounded by broken glass.

"What the fuck" I scowl, walking over and looking through the now-shattered window. I see a group of three teenage boys running across the street, and I see fucking red.

Running out the door, I chase after them.

They had a headstart, but it doesn't do them much good since I'm quickly gaining on them as they run down the street, swerving and bashing into people as they run.

My eyes land on one of them- the slowest. He's a fair bit behind the other two and is now my main target.

They turn down an alleyway, and it works perfectly. Since grabbing a kid in the middle of the street wouldn't look too good.

I stretch out a hand and grab the kid. I shove him into the brick wall beside us, pinning him against it while holding his collar tightly.

"You think your funny, you little shit?!" I yell, and his eyes widen in horror while he breathes fast. Fucker. Throwing a rock through my fucking window and expecting to get away with it.

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