Chapter 28

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Leo's POV

I groan, reluctantly opening my eyes. I'm fucking exhausted

I close my eyes again, hoping to find sleep again. But memories of last night flood my mind, and suddenly I'm wide awake.

I sit up, standing up quickly. I see I'm still in the same clothes from last night- which were also the clothes from the night before.

I grimace and head towards my bathroom to shower.

I step out a few minutes later, no longer smelling gross, and I wrap a towel around my waist before stepping out of the bathroom.

There, I find my two brothers sitting in my bed, looking eager to interrogate me.

I ignore them and walk into my closet.
"You know you can't just walk in right? What if I was naked?" I call out as I throw on some boxer briefs, as well as some grey sweatpants. I grab a navy shirt and walk out with it in my hand.

Jay and Alex are still sitting on my bed, staring at me cautiously. It takes everything in me to fight the urge to look away from them- to avoid their eyes at all costs, but that would mean acknowledging that everything isn't happy and great.

"Yes?" I say, but they both just share a subtle look. I roll my eyes, carrying on with my business while I wait for one of them to speak.

I go over to my nightstand, grab my phone and car keys, and shove them in my pocket. I spot my shoes in the corner and walk in that direction but stop when I feel eyes on me. My back.

I turn around immediately, glaring at Alex. "Don't look at my back!" I snap, and both their eyes widen immediately.

"Leo-" "No!- He was looking at my back! He was looking for the scars- you can't do that!" I yell, while Jay stands up and is in front of me in seconds. He grabs my shoulder, keeping me still.

"Leo, calm down," Jay tells me, and I scowl. "But he!-" "He wasn't staring at your back Leo. He was simply staring at you".

I shake my head, glancing between Jay and Alex, unsure of what to do while my heart pounds in my chest.

The scars on my back aren't nice. They aren't cool. They are hideous. Fucking hideous, which is why I attempted to hide them all with tattoos. It works, but if someone looks for too long, they will see them.

"Leo, you need to breathe," Jay tells me, and I shove him away, stepping backwards, no longer comfortable having my bare back to them.

I then stop, taking a second to think of how I'm acting. I feel my anger return in full force, not at them but at myself for overreacting.

Alex has scars- scars he's never let any of us see. Did I really just accuse him of looking at my scars? "Sorry," I whisper, glancing at Alex then back at the ground.

I clear my throat, I go to make a dash for my closet before remembering that I'm still holding my shirt. I quickly pull it over my head.

"You told Alex" Jay states, and I shrug, looking anywhere but them. "It came up I guess," I say, just as I spot my shoe's in the corner of my eye. Remembering my escape plan, I head towards them.

"Going somewhere?" Jay asks, and I hum as I awkwardly try to balance on one leg while I put my shoe on. For the second one, I hold onto the wall for support.

"See you guys later," I say, making a beeline for the door.

"Forgot your car keys" Alex finally speaks. I glance at him, seeing him holding the keys to my car in his hand.

It's a trap. Fuck- but I need my keys.

"What happened last night?" Jay asks, and I shrug as I walk over to Alex, holding out my hand. Like predicted, he glances at Jay instead of just handing them to me.

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