Chapter 14

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Zack's POV

I'm not working tonight, so naturally, I'm at a different bar.

It is Noah's eighteenth birthday, and me and Cameron are determined to get him drunk as fuck tonight.

We take out seats by the bar. "I don't-" "Noah shut the fuck up" I smile, patting his cheek. Noah rolls his eyes, fighting back a grin but failing. He's acting like he doesn't want to be here right now. He's not a very good actor.

Jade, one of the bartenders, and my favourite, comes over and smiles. "Back again?" She smiles and I hum. "My brother is eighteen" I grin, and pinch Noah's cheek. He hates when I do that.

"Well, you've got to be twenty-one or over," She tells him. I roll my eyes just as Jade starts laughing. She thinks she's so funny. "Just kidding. I'll let you boys have your fun. But if the boss comes you all are twenty-two" She smiles, taking out multiple shot glasses.

"Love you Jade" I smile, handing her some money. She walks away after pouring nine shots. "Who's she?-"

"Shh, we don't ask questions we don't want the answers to," Noah tells him, and I laugh.

I grab one of the shots, placing it in front of Noah. "After you, birthday boy". Noah rolls his eyes,  grabbing a shot and taking it. We cheer and he chuckles.

And that was the start of many, many shots.


My head is buzzing, and I'm not really sure what's going on. I know what I have to do, however.

Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I squint at the brightness, before turning on my phone. Shit, that's even brighter.

I scroll through my contacts, looking for Leo's number. I'm not really sure how it got there. I just looked at my phone one day and saw his name. Actually, I saw 'Leo #loml'  but that was quickly changed.

"What are you doing?" Cameron suddenly mumbles.  "Business bitch" I tell him, clicking on Leo's contact name.

He picks up after a few seconds. "Hello, darling".

"I hate you bitch" I tell him, before grinning at Cameron. "See? I'm not obsessed" I tell him. Cameron wrong. He also looks confused. Or in pain. I can't tell.

"What?" Leo speaks again. "I ain't care about you. Loser" I laugh. He's probably so sad right now. "Are you drunk?" Is his next question.

I scoff, very offended. "No. You really think fourteen shots will get me drunk? Ha! I can twenty just watch" I say.

"Please don't" Leo sighs. He's confusing. He insulted me by asking if fourteen shots got me drunk, and now he's yelling at me for trying to prove him wrong.

"I'm done with this conversation. Fuck you, you hot piece of crap" I tell him, proud of my exit line.

"You can't insult someone then call them hot. That like...subtracts the insult and equals a compliment" Cameron mumbles, and I stare at him horrified.

"Fuck really? Could have told me sooner. Do you know how many insults I've subtracted by accident?" I mumble,  thinking about all the times I thought about how attractive Leo is.

"You're obsessed" Cameron sings out. I wince at his singing. And his words.

"I am not obsessed" I mumble...

"Oh quit lying you big baby. You adore him" Cameron laughs, before tapping my nose. Or pressing a button on it. "You spill bullshit...everywhere" I mumble.

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