Chapter 35

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Zack's POV

I let out a laugh as I watch a guy fall on his ass.

It's- shit it's already midnight. I'm lying on my side in bed, with one of my AirPods in as I watch random shit on my phone. It was ten o'clock when I started scrolling through social media. Two hours later, here we are.

I feel a hand on my shoulder, and my eyes widen. Just as I go to yell, a hand is clamped over my mouth, muffling my shout.

"Darling.." Someone whispers and I freeze.

The hand is removed from my mouth, and I roll up, scowling when I see Leo. He's fucking standing over my bed, a small smile on his face. I sit up on my elbows. "You!-"

I'm cut off my kiss lips on mine.

Groaning, I shut up and kiss him back, my head falling back onto my pillow while he gets on top of me.

One of his hands comes at cups my cheek as he suddenly bites my lip hard. I groan again, and he smiles as he breaks the kiss.

His thumb is caressing my cheek, and I stare up at him, panting slightly while he seems perfectly fine. "Bitch" I mutter, and he laughs, pecking my lips before he rolls off me and lies down beside me.

I take out my Airpod, putting it back in the case before turning off my phone.

I lie down, lying on my side and facing him. He does the same. "What the fuck are you doing here?" I mutter, pretending to be mad but I'm not. I like his surprise visits. I'd rather cut off my arm than admit that to him.

It's been nearly three weeks since I told him to take time off for himself. We still have our deal- I come over every two days. And the second I step inside his room, he ambushes me and before I know what's happening, I'm agreeing to spend the night again.

I think Leo's feeling better. He doesn't like to talk about it- I gathered that after the first week. So I've stopped asking how he's feeling and just trusted that he'd tell me if something was wrong.

"Missed you," He says simply, and I fight back a smile but I seem to fail. I'm not supposed to encourage this behaviour. Sneaking into my house and scaring the shit out of me is a habit I don't want him to form.

"I saw you yesterday" I point out, and he hums. "But you didn't stay the night. So technically, I'm owed a night with you" He says, and I roll my eyes playfully.

"I don't owe you shit," I tell him, and he chuckles. "So are you telling me to leave then?" He raised an eyebrow, already knowing the answer. "Don't put words in my mouth asshole". He rolls onto his back while he laughs.

I scoot closer, resting my head on his chest while his arm comes around and hugs me closer to him. His other hand comes and begins messing with my hair.

"Your hair is longer than usual" He states, and I roll my eyes, using my hand to slap his chest. "Fuck off, I'm getting it cut tomorrow" I mumble.

"I'm not complaining. The longer your hair is, the easier it is to pull" Leo says, and I snort. "Love you too," I say, and he hums.

"I love when you say that" He sighs. "I'll make sure to day it less, don't worry" I snicker, and in return, he pulls on my hair. I groan at the feeling. "Fuck you" I mutter, and he just laughs.

Someone suddenly pounds on my door, and I roll my eyes knowing it's Noah. My parents go to bed at nine pm sharp on weekdays.

Before I can tell him to fuck off, the door opens and the fucker walks right in.

I scowl, sitting up immediately. "Noah-"

"He fucking shot her!?" He whisper-yells, completely ignoring me. "Do you know what this means?! It means her husband will be- oh my god Danny!" He suddenly gasps. "No- and Lisa!" He runs a hand through his hair.

I stare at him bewildered. "What the fuck are you talking about?" I mumble, and he rolls his eyes. "The new show I'm watching," He says it in a 'duh' tone as if it was obvious.

"Of course" I mutter, lying back down beside Leo, whos watching amused.

"I knew he couldn't be trusted. Fucking knew it! And for the whole three seasons, he tried to convince us he was nice but I knew!-"

"I don't care" I groan, and the fucker frowns. "Rude. Leo, do you care?" He asks instead. "No, he does not" I answer for him.

Noah sighs. "I guess I'll call Cameron then". I scowl. "Do not call Cameron at midnight" I tell him, and he rolls his eyes like I'm being dramatic.

"It's early, relax. Bye Leo, fuck you Zack" Noah walks out, and I flip him off as he leaves.

"Fucker" I mumble, and Leo laughs from beside me again.

"You know the way you're supposed to come over on Friday?" Leo says, and I hum. "You can't. I have to go to this thing" He says. I narrow my eyes. "A thing?" I repeat, and he hums.

"So since you can't come over Friday, I'm going to drag you to my brother's wedding on Sunday," Leo tells me, and I stare at him in disbelief.

"A wedding?" I repeat, and he hums. "My brother Clayton and Harriet are getting married," He tells me. "I can't go to a wedding" I scoff, and he shrugs. "Yes, you can. You're invited, so I'm going to force you to go" Leo says, like he's talking about the weather, and not how he's forcing me to attend a wedding.

"Fine" I mutter, and he smiles. "Great. It's in Iceland-" He says, and my eyes widen again.

"What?!" I scowl. "-and we leave at two on Saturday. I'll pick you, and I'll get you a suit for the wedding" Leo tells me, not seeming bothered by my reaction.

"You know what- fine" I mumble, knowing there's no point in arguing. Leo hums, as if approving of my decision to not try to argue. I elbow his side in return.

"So this thing on Friday, is it your brother's Stag party?" I ask. "Yes and no. Him and Harriet agreed to just have a party together instead of having a Hen and a Stag party" Leo says. "I think it's a good idea. Especially since we're all so close". I nod, agreeing.

"Next time you tell me you're dragging me to a different country, give me more than three days advance," I tell him, and he laughs. "Got it".

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