Chapter 17

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Zack's POV

"Hi," I say, smiling awkwardly at the three people in front of me. Aka, my new staff.

We have Shauna- A tiny 5"3 woman. Dressed in a knee-length sundress covered in tiny daisies, with her blond hair held back by a navy hairband, she stands out a mile. She's easily the brightest thing in this place, and it'll take me some time to get used to her constant smile.

Next to her is Tiffany- aka, her polar opposite. With her black, frizzy hair tied back in a ponytail, Tiffany is dressed head to toe in black. Black jeans, black band shirt, black choker- I've gone and hired myself a little emo. The only colour she has on is her face. Bright blue eyeshadow is painted on her dark skin, and she pairs it with white eyeliner.

Lastly, we have Gabriel. Who I believe is a mix of them both. His fashion is similar to Tiffany- only he's not wearing a choker. He has a chain with a cross on it instead. His face is matching Shauna's however. Bright smile- fucking dimples.

These are my new staff.

Interviewing people was a pain in the ass, but Leo made it a bit better with his commentary. Still, he's a dickhead.

"Welcome to your first shift, I guess..?" I wince. I'm not good at introductions. "These are your coworkers," I say, and they all smile, whispering quiet "Hello's' to each other.

"There's another guy but he's always late" I sigh, glaring at the door. I look back at them. "Place opens at five, closes at twelve. Bar is closed on Fridays" I tell them. Cue the confused looks.

"Why?" Tiffany asks, and I shrug. "I don't know. Boss makes the rules" I say shortly. In a few months, I'll tell them what goes on here on Fridays. Until then, it'll be me and Henry's secret. Ew.

"I thought you are the boss?" Shauna says, and I shake my head. "I'm your boss. I also have a boss. We don't like him. He snorts coke off the toilet seats" I tell them, unable to help myself. They grimace, but nod.

"A lot of assholes come in here. If that happens, be an asshole back. I don't really care" I say. "I'm here most days anyways. You have an issue, just call me".

Just as I try to think of what else they might need to know, the door opens. "I'm here- sorry boss!" Henry calls out, and I roll my eyes.

"Henry, come meet your co-workers," I tell him, and he slowly walks over. "Shit- you finally hired more staff?" He mumbles in disbelief.

"Fuck off Henry. I've been busy" I scowl, and he grins at me, before standing beside me. "This is Henry," I tell them, resting my elbow on his shoulder and leaning against him. I'm surprised when he doesn't get flattened to the ground. "He is late all the time. A giant pain in my fucking ass. And he doesn't like short jokes" I tell them, and Henry frowns beside me while I smile, satisfied.

The three in front of me bite back their smiles. "Tall dudes Gabriel, emo girl is Tiffany, princess here is Shauna," I tell him, and he waves a bit. "Hi".

They say hello back, giving a much better greeting than Henry's little 'hi'.

"Do we call you Zack, or Boss?" Shauna asks me. "Zack. Henry calls me boss because I have no respect for him, and don't want him calling me by my name" I tell them completely seriously.

The three of them share a glance, while Henry snorts from beside me. "He's scared of cats," He says as he walks away.

"Hey!- You wanna get fucking fired?! Because I have the staff to replace your sorry ass now!" I yell while he laughs, running towards the back.

"Fucker" I scowl, noticing Tiffany, Gabriel and Shauna are all trying to hide their laughs. "I am not scared of cats" I roll my eyes.

"Gabriel open the doors" I sigh, and he nods, while I walk behind the counter. I should have fired that kid years ago.

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