Chapter 26

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Leo's POV

I groan, slumping back in my chair and staring up at the ceiling, beyond bored.

The door to Jay's office suddenly opens, and I turn my head to see Alex walking in. "Fucking finally" I mutter, sitting up in my chair. We've been waiting for this asshat to show up for twenty-four minutes now.

Alex flips me off, before leaning against the wall beside Sage. Ezra sits in the seat beside me, while Jay's behind his desk.

It's just us five, since Elijah and Clayton are still injured.

"Okay, we've got a potential house of Axel Johnson. Highlight the word potential. This is one house of many, we just need to cross it off the list" Jay tells us, and we nod.

Axel Johnson is the leader of the semi-large gang, The Arrows, that's been targeting us for a while now. It was fine at first, now they're being a massive pain in the ass.

Between kidnapping Elijah and Clayton, targeting Cameron, and attempting to kidnap Alora and Becca, we're all fed up with these fuckers.

He led a team and broke into one of our houses while we were staying there. Charlotte was on her own with Becca and Alora. The little badass took them all down, including Axel Johnson, who is still in our custody.

Clayton has been trying to get information out of him nonstop, and he's been very successful. Probably since the methods he uses are cruel and would have anyone spilling their guts in a matter of minutes. Not to mention Clayton is beyond pissed off, so Axel really fucked himself over by going after Clayton.

But although the information Clayton is getting is beyond useful, there's still some stuff Axel won't spill. Some very important stuff like addresses and names, so therefore Jay is sending us to check nearly every house me and Casey have found that's connected to him. It's quite a long list, but we're getting through it quickly.

"Now, there are two doors. Sage and Ezra, you'll lead a group of five men through the back. Leo and Alex through the front. If there's anyone there, keep at least two alive. Once the house is cleared, check the office. Any files, devices, hard drives, take them" Jay tells us, and we nod, knowing the drill by now.


Alex kicks down the door, and we all flood inside. We've agreed Ezra and Sage will search downstairs, and us up, so I walk straight towards the stairs, with Alex and our group behind me.

The house is fairly big- over fourteen rooms altogether. It's one of Axel's larger houses.

We all split up upstairs, going into different rooms that all show up empty. Someone mentions finding an attic through the comms, so two from our group split up to check the attic.

I walk into a room, seeing Alex with a gun being held to his head. They both have their back to me, and I shoot the guy in the back of his head.

Alex sighs. "I could have handled that," He tells me, and I chuckle. "Sure you could," I tell him, looking around the room.

A double bed, a wooden wardrobe and a bedside table with an ugly lamp. This seems to be the same in every room.

Suddenly, the doors of the wardrobe burst open, and two fucking men jump out.

While I'm still comprehending what's happening, a guy comes and pins me to the wall with a knife to my neck.

I push against his wrist, but he pushes harder and I feel the knife digging hard into my neck, followed by a small sting.

Before I even have a chance to beat the fucker, a gunshot rings out, and he drops to the floor. I see Alex on the ground, holding the other guy in a headlock with one arm while he holds a gun in his other. "Could of handled that," I tell him, and he chuckles while the guy in his arms goes limp.

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