Chapter 1: How it all started

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My mother used to call me an angel. That was before everything.

October 2, 2014

I smiled at my teacher as I walked into the classroom, I set my books down on my desk and sat down, folding my hands on top of each other and sitting in an upright position.

Moments after, my best friend Morgan walked in, late as always. I smiled and waved at her and she went to her desk and slumped down in her seat.

I frowned at my best friend's smug face but thought maybe she was having a bad day, positive thoughts Kate.

I wiped the frown off my face and quickly looked up at my English teacher, Mrs.Roberts. She cleared her throat making everyone's heads turn her way.

"Good morning class." She said, smiling. I was the only one that smiled back at her. Her smile dropped, hinting that her next sentence will be less cheerful.

She cleared her throat, "I've received some very troubling news regarding the outbreak of events, you may have all just been alerted about this recently." I knew exactly what she was talking about.

"I have just been informed that the disease will go nowhere near this campus, so please do not worry, we are safe and will not be exposed to it. That is all, now you may continue talking while I just look at a few files." I turned to Morgan who was picking her fingernails, a habit she has when she gets nervous.

I put my hand over hers to stop her actions. She looked up at me. I smiled at her, rubbing her hand soothingly. Morgan has severe anxiety and I feel horrible when it acts up.

She smiled slightly. I got out of my seat, fixing my skirt because the boys behind me think I can't hear them whistling.

I smile, walking up to the teacher. She looked up at me and a smile quickly plastered on her face. Im her best student after all, her words.

"Katelyn dear what can I do for you?" She asked, folding her hands. "Mrs.Roberts I hate to interrupt you but may I please go to the bathroom?"

"Of course dear, just sign out." She said, going back to her work. I nodded, signing out and leaving the classroom.

My flats sounded very loud as I walked due to the silent hallway. I made my way to the bathroom, opening it slowly.

I frowned when I saw Violet, Regina and Maya leaning against the sinks, cigarettes in each of their hands. The mean girls if we wanna get specific. I smiled slightly just to be nice, speed walking to the stall but a hand stopped me.

"Where do you think your going Jennings?" Violet asked, leaning against the stall with her body in front of it.

I widened my eyes, backing up a bit, "V-Violet please just move.. I-I really need to go." I stuttered. She came closer to me, "V-Violet, V-Violet, oh my god just shut up." Violet mocked.

I shut up right away, too scared to face her. "Not going to say anything Jennings?" Violet asked, tilting her head. When I didn't respond she looked behind her at the girls.

"Girls I think Jennings needs a little bath, don't you think?" She asked them, looking at me. I looked at her in confusion.

"Grab her." She commanded and Maya and Regina both came to my sides, grabbing my arms. I widened my eyes, struggling in their grip. "Yeah, bring her to the "bath" girls " Violet laughed, pointing at the stalls and suddenly I was being dragged there.

I screamed, my legs flinging everywhere as soon as I realized what they were going to do. I tried desperately to get out of there grip but it was no use.

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