Chapter 8: "My Feelings."

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I walked through the halls, playing with the scarf adorned around my neck.  I stopped at Ethan's door as I heard rummaging.

I sighed, pushing it open a little and folding my arms, standing in the doorway. "What are you doing?" I asked softly.

He turned towards me, a cold look in his eyes I had never seen before. He looked at me like he didn't know who I have become anymore. "Packing." He said blankly.

"Packing?" I looked down at this things scattered on his bed and a suitcase on top. "Yeah, I'm almost done. I just have to get my stuff out of the bathroom."    "Are you going somewhere?" I tilted my head.

"You could say that." He turned back to his bed and continued putting things inside the suitcase. "Oh well.. is where your going safe?" I asked him, a bit worried. "Would you really care?" He muttered bitterly, hoping I wouldn't hear him.

I sighed, "Ethan of course I would!"   "Okay." He drawled out, sarcasm lacing his voice. "I'm being serious." I said firmly. "So am I."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I stepped farther into the room with my arms crossed. "That you don't care about me anymore." He finally turned to me. "Ethan of course I do! Your my-".  "Friend." He cut me off as I opened my jaw like a fish not sure what to say.

"It just doesn't sit well for me, friend." He looked up at the ceiling in thought , processing the word as he repeated it. "It doesn't sit well with you?" I asked him in confusion and a bit of frustration.

"Katelyn, I want to tell you something." I looked at him, signaling for him to go on. "I only stayed for you, not your house, not your supplies, not Morgan, you." He said.

I looked at the ground, a feeling of guilt washing over me. "Ethan please.. you don't have to go. None of us would want you to get hurt!"   "Well I can't stay here." He said.

"Why not?!"   "Because I can't be friends with you." He exhaled. "What?" I whispered. "It's not because I fell for you it's because I just can't see myself living here anymore. Like I said, the only reason I stayed here in the first place was because of you. There's no point of me living here anymore so I'm moving someplace where it's quiet and away from the zombies."

"Drake I.."   "don't say anything.. please. I hope you and everyone here have great lives but.. I better be on my way." He grabbed his suitcase, dragging it. I grabbed his bicep. "It's dangerous out there Ethan. Don't go." Tears pricked my eyes as I grasped him, my nails digging into his bicep. He shrugged me off carefully, pain in his eyes.

"You'll be fine. I know it."   "Ethan, please!"   "I'll see you around, maybe don't wait up for me." He said and with that he dragged his suitcase out and he was gone. I stared down at my hands, trying to process what just happened as tears began to blur my vision which I've come well acquainted too the feeling now.

I turned around as I heard the door slam shut behind me. I bit my lip to hold back the tears but it was all too much. He was gone and there was nothing I could do about it. After all.. it was my fault.

A few hours later.  9:15 PM

I sat with Luna, laying on my side. Dry tears stained my cheeks from helplessly crying in Ethan's room for what felt like an eternity.

"Why would Ethan want to leave?" Luna asked me. "I honestly don't know. He said that he didn't want to be friends with me and that he only stayed because of me." Guilt hit me like a truck.

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