Chapter 16: "He's back."

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I groaned as I blew my nose for the thousandth time. I threw it in the bin. The bin was currently overflowing with tissues.

I laid back, staring at the ceiling. I haven't taken a shower In 3 days. It's been 3 days since Chris and I broke up. I pushed myself to finally get up and go downstairs for breakfast.

I sat up, slipping on my slippers and walking to the bathroom slowly. I looked in the mirror and I gasped as I hardly noticed myself.

I had mascara streaming down my eyes, my hair stuck to my face from the amount of tears I've shed. My hair was messed up and I was in a sweaty sports bra and sweat pants. I totally didn't look like myself at all.

I sniffled as I splashed cold water on my face. I needed to pull myself together and face reality. I used makeup wipes and a washcloth to wipe the makeup off my face.

I replaced my sports bra with a loose t-shirt and I switched my sweatpants out for a pair of shorts. I sighed as I did my business in the bathroom and I started my way downstairs.

I walked in the kitchen barefoot. I looked up at Derek taking out some sugar and eggs. I seated myself on the stool and leaned my elbows on the island with my chin in my palm.

He turned around, "hey, did you oversleep?" He asked. I quickly noticed it was 6:00 PM so what I thought would be breakfast was dinner. I was in my room all day sobbing my eyes out until I was numb.

"Are you okay? I didn't see you at breakfast or lunch." Derek asked. "I'm not feeling the best.. to be honest." I said softly. "What's wrong?" He asked, sitting across from me on the stools. I sighed, "do you really wanna know?" I asked him.

He shrugged, "it's up to you if you wanna tell me but I can see that you're hurt." He said. "Chris and I... broke up." I felt tears sting my eyes and I cursed myself for being so sensitive.

He widened his eyes, "oh my god, I'm so sorry." He said. "I've just been in my room all day thinking about it.." I sighed. "Morgan." He called, his voice firm. I looked up at him with my eyes tearing up.

"Maybe he just needs some time I mean, you guys need each other."

"I don't know about that.. he doesn't want me to get hurt." I said sadly. "He's worried about drinking the healing potion. He doesn't want to take it but he also doesn't want me to be in pain , worrying about him."

"Do you think it's best?" "I don't know.." I whispered.

"You and Chris will make up again." Derek said confidently . I looked up with hope in my eyes, "you really think so?" "I do." He said. "It's going to be awhile." I said.

"I know you two will work things out." I smiled, "you really made me feel better." "Yeah of course. By the way, do you want a sandwich or something?" He raised a brow. I chuckled, "sure." "Okay." He began digging in the fridge for the ham and other ingredients. I chuckled.


Katelyn -

Me and Zarin walked into Chase's hotel. My lips parted at the sight once again. Of course there were lights flashing everywhere. As I was admiring the party I didn't notice Zarin in front of me with a glass of Champagne in front of me.

"Here you are." He said. I smiled, wrapping my fingers around the champagne, our fingers grazing each other for a split moment. "Thanks." I said.

"No problem." He nodded, looking around , "I didn't expect the party to be so big today." He tried to talk pretty loud so I could hear him over the music. "Yeah but it's really fun though." I replied, sipping my champagne as it bubbled.

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