Chapter 26: "Gone Forever."

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"She didn't deserve this.." Toby's voice cracked as he broke the silence surrounding us. We all stood around Amara's casket as we bowed our heads in grief.

Amara was special to all of us even if we've know each other for a short amount of time she definitely did not deserve this. "No, she didn't.." Liv whispered, wiping her nose with a tissue. "Autumn won't get away with this. She just won't." Toby said angrily, turning to all of us.

"What are we supposed to do Toby? It's what she wants." Chris said. "It'll never end. As soon as we do something, she'll retaliate." Aiden murmured.

"What the hell are we supposed to do huh?! Just sit around and wait for another one of our friends to die?!" Toby leaned over as tears dripped down his face.

I looked down at the floor for a moment and sighed. "Toby.." Jason muttered. "I won't let anyone else die at the hands of Autumn, Jason ." Toby told him. Jason nodded, looking back down at the ground.

I wiped my eyes with a tissue. "But none of us, including Amara didn't do anything. Autumn just wanted to make her place known. Amara didn't deserve this." My voice cracked.

Toby put his foot down, "too many people have died because of her and with the incapability she has to feel any sort of guilt she'll do it again until we're all dead." He said. To be honest, he's probably right.

"Not unless we don't do anything.." I turned my head as Megan whispered those words. "What?!" Toby turned to her. She sighed, "I want Autumn to be stopped just as much as you do but if we continue going back and forth.. it'll never end."

"We can't just pretend like nothing happened!" Morgan yelled. "We might have too." Megan said, turning to Morgan. Toby sighed, sniffling. "I don't want us to fear for our lives anymore than we already are in this apocalypse. But to ensure that she won't strike again, we can't do anything." Toby muttered.

I nodded. We all lifted our heads as Chase walked in , in his suit and tie. His eyes bloodshot and his hair messy. My heart aches for him, I can't imagine what he's going through, Amara was his little sister, his responsibility.

"Chase.." Toby muttered as he watched Chase's lip wobble. He was gonna cry but he pulled himself together. Chase bowed his head again and Toby ran up to him, wrapping his arms around him he patted his back.

I watched as tears streamed down Chase's face as he tightly hugged Toby. We all were starting to tear up. Suddenly we heard the voice, "you may be seated." The funeral director said.

I sniffled, as we all took our seat. "Now Amara's brother Chase has prepared a eulogy for her. Chase?" The director looked over at Chase and Chase nodded, stepping up onto the platform.

"Thank you all for coming, even though you've only known Amara for a few months she loved each and every one of you.. one time she told me that having friends around you can help me through anything. I just brushed it off as her usual words of wisdom but.. she was right. The first time she passed away a few weeks after our grandfather did.. I couldn't bear the pain. I was by myself for weeks.. struggling to survive through the apocalypse but .. then when I needed her, there she was. Alive as a spirit. We spent the last months running business together just like we were meant to. When I saw you in person for the first time I knew then and then I wanted to be there for you, to help you through anything. And.. I did, after losing you once I thought I would never be able to see you again but you proved me wrong with that determination." Chase smiled sadly and we all bent our heads down as we took a moment of silence.

Then he lifted his head and said, "thank you for being a business partner, a protector, a friend and my little sister." Chase put a hand on Amara's coffin. I watched as a tear trickled down his cheek.

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