Chapter 6: "Chance."

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"So he just told you?" Luna asked me. We were sitting on Luna's bed talking like we always do nowadays. "He admitted it, I mean can I blame him? He just wants to spend time with me.." I said.

"Well, why don't you?" Luna asked, shifting positions to sit on her knees. "I don't know.." I lowered my head, sighing. Luna got off the bed and crossed her arms at me. "It will just be awkward now." I groaned.

"Katelyn." Luna walked closer to me. "I know you, you want what's best for everyone, but.. have you thought about what's best for yourself?.." She asked.

I furrowed my brows, "what are you saying?" I asked. "What I'm saying is.. think about what you want for once." "But the thing is.. maybe I don't know what I want." I sighed, running my fingers through my hair.

"I think you do maybe your just in denial." She said, crossing her arms once more. "Not ready?" I asked. She chuckled, "no silly, you just need time that's why your in denial." "Time..?"

"Yeah, time, maybe once you get some rest you and Drake will be ready to talk." She made hand motions while she talked like she always did, her black hair swaying as she talked.

"True, we'll I better go do that." I nodded, turning to her. "Night Luna." "Night Kate." I turned around and walked out of her room

Morgan and Chris's past conversation-

"Chris, what?" I asked softly, my eyes widening at his confession. "I know it's sudden but.. I really like you and I have for a while actually." He smiled slightly.

"Chris.." he looked up at me. "I didn't know you felt this way.." I blushed, walking towards him. I stopped in front of him, "I.." I chuckled, "Like you too." I said.

"Wait, really?" He asked, confused. "Yes you big idiot!" I ran up to him, hugging him.


I walked inside the house with a bag in hand. I looked up as Jason came down, "hey, are you going hunting?" I asked. "For materials, yes but for food.. nope. I was actually going down to the spot I found the other day, it's a junkyard." He said.

"Oh, really? What do they have?" I asked. "Umbrellas, bags, wires, you name it." He smiled. "But.." I started walking towards him. "If it's in a junkyard, wouldn't we have a higher chance of being spotted by zombies?.." I asked softly, almost whispered.

"Not if your quick and quiet." He said. I laughed. "I'll join you it sounds fun but I'll bring the bag of materials just in case." I said.

"Sounds good, alright let's go." He headed out the door, I grabbed the bag of materials before following him out.

When we arrived at the junkyard it was full of all kinds of junk. We walked around, looking at all the things. "Wow, this place is filled with so much stuff!" I said in amazement. Jason came to a stop behind me as we both looked at all the things.

"I know right?" He smiled. "How did you find it?" I asked. "Well, a few days ago I noticed an old sign that said a junkyard was here. I didn't believe it until I walked a little closer, now what kind of supplies were you looking for?" He asked.

"Well I was looking for-" I stopped talking, we both turned our heads in a quick motion when we heard rustling and creaking. "Jason?.." I whispered. "Yeah?" He whispered back, we still kept our eyes on the direction the noise came from. "What was that?" I asked, keeping my voice down.

"Hopefully just something that fell, come on let's look quickly." He said calmly, brushing it off. "Good idea!" I said, tuning after him. It took awhile to catch up to his long strides because he's a lot taller than me. I walked slower than him, looking around at all the materials just laying on the ground.

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