Chapter 15: "Welcome to Greyson Hotels."

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"Uhm, I can't see." I heard Toby's voice. We were walking through this dark.. tunnel maybe? Whatever it was it was taking forever.

"Same here, Toby, same here." Rose's voice said. I heard her chuckle. Nobody can see , Toby is just the type that likes to point out the obvious.

"Are we going the right way?" I heard Megan right next to me . "I think so." I said. "Guys, it's this way." Trinity's soft voice finally said.

We continued walking forward, I had my hands out in front of me , making sure I didn't bump into anyone. I felt a little claustrophobic. Finally I saw the light and Toby squinted his eyes , "why was it so dark back there?" He asked, looking back and then forward again.

"So that people who enter in that way know that they're going in the right direction." Trinity replied. "What do you mean?" Megan asked, adjusting her sunglasses.

Trinity halted. "If your not a spirit you can't open the secret door in the bakery. If you do, it's just a storage closet. But if your a spirit it leads you here." She shrugged. "Interesting." I said.

"Definitely." Megan agreed. Trinity came to a stop suddenly. I looked in front of her to see a red carpet and .. a security guard in front of it. He looked very buff and high tech. He had sunglasses on which covered his face. "Do you have a pass?" He asked Trinity, pulling his sunglasses down a bit.

"Yup." She smiled, digging in her purse and pulling out a pass shaped like a credit card kinda. The security guard flipped it around, examining it and making sure it's real. Makes me feel like we're going into a nightclub..

"Wait a minute.. you said you don't like coming here but you have a pass?" Toby asked her. "My friend gave it to me a while ago when we first came here." She replied.

"Go right ahead, and welcome to Greyson hotels."

And we walked in. I admired the red carpet as I walked. It made me feel like I was famous somehow.

When we walked in I was surprised and obviously Toby was too. "Oh .. my .." Toby cut himself off. We looked around.

Lights flashing everywhere. There were people everywhere as well, dancing, sitting in the booths, just plain talking. And there was a bar too.

It definitely reminded me of a night club considering the loud music and bright lights. There were also people making out all around me which was not a sight I wanted to see but hey.

I looked around to see people appearing out of nowhere, spirits. "This place is crazy!" I yelled over the loud music. "Definitely." Rose said. "We need to look around!" Megan squealed in excitement.

In college I never drank but now that I'm seeing people drinking I crave to know what it feels like..

"You guys can look around once we find the spirit king." Trinity said. "Does he have an office or something?" Toby asked. "Usually he's walking around the place." Trinity shrugged.

"He could be anywhere!" Rose said. "Hi, can I get you guys anything?" A waitress asked , she had a tray of shots scattered on the tray and my mouth was watering. I had to stay focused though.

"Hi we were wondering if Chase Greyson is available?" Toby asked nicely. She smiled, "I'll go see if he is." And then she walked off with those shots I wanted to badly.

I really wanted to try some sort of alcoholic drink to numb the pain that still lingers. "I brought 45 do you think that's enough?" I asked Trinity, counting my money. "Yeah, should be." She said.

I was busy counting the money when the waitress said, "here he is." I looked up to meet the most handsome man I had ever seen.

Oh my god.. this was Chase?

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