Chapter 34: "Change of heart?"

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My hands shook as I sipped my drink slowly, I clenched my fists to slow my breathing down. I could just feel his presence, it was sickening.

I looked down at the half empty glass. "I'm gonna go get another drink." I told everyone, immediately standing up. I practically sped walk to the door before I felt his breath next to my ear, "hey, you leaving already?" He whispered.

I walked faster, my heart racing. I heard him stop behind me. I yelped as he appeared in front of me within seconds. I scoffed at his smirk, backing up. "Having fun?" He raised his eyebrows. "I was. Until you showed up."

"If it makes you feel any better you made this party a lot more interesting." He shrugged. "Are you stalking me?!" I whisper-yelled. "Stalking? No, more like making sure your having fun." He said.

I tilted my head at him. "Move." I pushed through him and I almost made it before he gripped my arm, hard making me stiffen up. "Let. Go of my arm." I gritted out. He let go of me and I backed up, cradling my arms. "Loosen up a little bit, will ya?" He said.

He grabbed my hips, pulling me into him. I punched his chest, squirming out of his hold. "If you touch me again I will make you regret ever knowing me." I threatened, my voice low. He looked amused. "Did that make you mad? Aw, what are you gonna do?" He mocked, stepping closer to me.

I looked up at him, a sudden confidence washing over me as I lifted my hand and before I even knew what I was doing I slapped him across the face making his head swing to the side. His eyes widened in shock and anger. "You bitch!" He yelled. I flinched as everyone in the party turned to look at us.

He laughed. "Oh, your gonna regret that!" He reached out to grab me but before he could an arm stopped him. "Hey, you need to leave." Chase said, firmly. The demon in Derek's body turned to him. "I need to leave?"

"What is wrong with you?!" Chase asked him, looking at my visibly trembling body, all confidence gone now. "You're seriously asking me to leave?" The demon chuckled in disbelief. "I'm not asking you, I'm telling you."

"And what if I don't want too?" He asked. "Well mate that could go one or two ways.. I could call security down here and escort you out or.. I could break every single bone in your body. The choice is yours of course." Chase smirked. The demon rolled his eyes, "whatever." And walked off.

I wrapped my arms around myself, "thanks Chase." I smiled. "Are you okay?" He asked, walking closer. "Yeah, I'm fine." I nodded. "Are you sure? You look a bit.. shaken up." "Yeah, thanks again. I think I'm going to go back to everyone and.. go home." I whispered.

"Katelyn we just saw the demon leave, did he talk to you?!" Liv came running over. "Sort of but Chase took care of it." I sighed. "God I hate that demon!" Trinity cursed. "Trust me, so do I." I said.

"Okay, ready?" I eyed Toby, holding up the cards. "I was born ready." He flicked his blonde hair, confidently. "How tall is the Eiffel Tower?" "984 feet." He said quickly. I widened my eyes, "in.. meters?" I challenged. He looked up for a moment I'm thought. "324."

"How does he-" Chris cut himself off, looking through the cards. I sighed, "I don't know , but he's in the lead." I looked back down, "okay now for the lightning round of personal trivia. What's your sign?" I asked. "Capricorn." "Favorite color?" "Blue."

"At what speed does sound travel at?" I raised my eyebrows. He hummed, "767 miles per hour or 1,230 kilometers per hour. Hey, that wasn't a personal question!"

I groaned, "I know but I thought I could throw you off! Your too smart for your own good." I threw the cards down on the table in frustration. "Let me guess, Toby's still in the lead?" Chris asked. "Yup.." I sighed, shaking my head.

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