3: How to become a god amongst the weird children

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Eat food, drink water, and get 5+ hours of sleep today or the (sad)pancake(01) gets it (😭)🥞🔫



"Goddamnit somehow it's way worse when you two are silent." Shalnark stated. Interesting. The subject seems to become uncomfortable when he isn't aware of what we are thinking. He shows many signs of fear.

"We're bored." Killua replied.

"That doesn't explain why you both were completely silent for eighteen minutes." The subject is beginning to ask questions. We will let his braincells live, for now.

"We were thinking."

"I didn't know you knew had to do that."

"Yes. I will now share my thoughts with you." I informed. My brain likes to come up with things that will hurt other people's brains.

"Please don't." Shalnark begged. Hm...

"Only if you agree to play Adopt Me with us." I replied.

"That Roblox game?" Shalnark questioned.


"The one with all the weird children?"



"We wish to be the weirdest children. The god of the weird children."

"I hate my life."



"...What are your guy's Roblox usernames?" Shalnark asked.

"Hell yeah! You shall be converted into our weird ways!"

"...That's a long username-"

"Do you want your braincells to die?" Killua said. Oop-

"No ma'am- I mean sir- *cough* No sir."

After becoming
on Roblox

"Why do you two even want to play this weird ass roleplaying game..." Shalnark mumbled. We already explained this. The subject seems to be suffering from memory loss. This may be caused by us destroying his braincells.

"To become gods amongst the weird children. Why else would we play it?" I replied.

"And why did you drag me along?"

"To destroy your braincells of course."

"Why am I friends with you both..."

"Because you can't escape. No matter where you hide, or how fast you run, we will find you. You'll never be free of our friendship."

"...If there's a god out there, please kill me."

"We will drag you out of hell. There is no escape. Not even death will save you."


"Why is Shalnark crying?" Boss-guy-person-waffle-guy asked.

"It's tears of joy. He's just very happy that we are his friends." Killua replied.

"I'll pretend I believe you."

"Good choice. You should get your employees some marriage counseling by the way."



"So, should we just use the Roblox chat until Shalnark returns?" I asked. I mean, there's no reason to say braincell-destroying things if Shalnark isn't around.

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