4: How to lose all your (nonexistent) friends

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Eat food, drink water, and get 5+ hours of sleep today or the (Minecraft) dog gets it 🐶🔫

"I am a being or pure chaos. Powered by spite and antidepressants. Whose problem shall I be today?" I greeted.

"Goddamnit! I was hoping you wouldn't show up!" Shalnark whined. Hope is for losers. You can't have your hopes and dreams shattered if you don't have hopes and dreams.

"You should be Shark Tank's problem today!" Killua suggested. Woah! What a great suggestion!

"Wait no. No no no no no no no. That's not necessary. You can be Killua's problem today. And tomorrow. And the day after that. There's no need to be my problem. It's fine. Be Killua's problem. Killua will enjoy your company. Go away go away go away go away..."

The poor thing, he's grieving... I swear he was grieving not to long ago... maybe we should give him a break..


Nahhh. It will probably be fine.

"To bad, you got volunteered first. Anyone want to play Minecraft?" Killua asked.

"Yep we want to play." I replied.

"I never agreed-"

"Shhh. It's alright. You'll be fine. Just stay quiet."


"Now, what are your guy's usernames?"


"I'll fucking kill you!"

"Tell me where the fuck you live! I'll fucking kill your dog in real life!"

"Can I get a waffle-"

"You can fucking try!"

"Can I please get a waffl-"

"Your parents change the subject when anyone asks about you!"

"Your parents aren't even disappointed, they know this is the best you can do!"

"This so sad... Alexa play-"

"I'll set your fucking house on fire!"

"I'll murder everyone you love!"

"You probably would lose a fight a fucking duck you pathetic fuck llama!"

"You would lose a fight to a bee you unlovable shit waffle!"

"You wanna fucking go!?"

"You, me, Denny's parking lot, 3 am! Don't be fucking late you fucking pussy!"

"Sir this is Wendy's."

"Shut the fuck up!"

About ten minutes and 18 seconds earlier

"Hey, Shark Tank, look at my cat. Isn't she beautiful." Killua said. Yes, very beautiful. not as good as my cat though. Jinx supremacy.

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