19: How to acquire a slave

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Eat food, drink water, and get drugs.

Yes, drugs. Get the drugs. :)

"So, Y/n... You still haven't said who the better parent is." Chrollo stated.

"Please, I just wanted a waffle. Is that to much to ask."

"You can't complain, I'm going to get torture so much whenever I get back." Killua said.

Yes, distract him. I don't want to answer that question. I want guns, food, money, training, and a somewhat functioning family. But, I also want to live with Feitan.

"I could adopt you." Chrollo suggested. I have a feeling this man would cut off his arm if it meant winning an argument against Silver...

"You'd be killed." Killua stated.

"Silva can't do shit to me. That disgusting tall man." Chrollo scoffed.

"I love this conversation and all, but why the fuck are all of you in my house!?" Shalnark shouted.


"I gave you guys keys for emergencies! And you broke in through my window anyways!"

"...We were out of Doritos." I said.

"You could've gone to a store! I live in an entirely different country from you two! And why is my window broken, you have a key!" Shalnark yelled.

"We... We couldn't find uh.. the front door. Yes. We couldn't find the front door. That is the truth. The door was missing." Killua replied.

"Goddamn." Shark Tank sighed. "And give me those." He said, grabbing my Doritos from my hands.

"I was eating those..." I mumbled.

"I don't care. Leave." Shalnark ordered.

"B-But... I thought you liked our company..." Killua said.

"Wait- of course I like your guy's company- Wait a fucking second. That's not going to work on me you demons." Damnit. Guess it's time for phase two:

Puppy eyes.

Being seven is great.

"...Stop it. Stop looking at me like that."

(If you breath a word about that Hisoka scene I will kill off a random character of my choosing.)

"We will start crying." Killua threatened.

"D-Don't you dare. Get away from me."

"Let us stay."

"Absolutely not."

Welcome back to Top Ten Reasons Why! Today on Top Ten Reasons Why we have: Top ten reasons why you should learn to cry on command!

Number one: Puppy eyes and crying is a deadly combo, especially when you're seven!

Number two-

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