5: How to become a Disney Prince/Princess

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Eat food, drink water, and get 5+ hours of sleep today or the pumpkin gets it
🎃🔫 (By the time this is updated it's gonna be past Halloween, oh well)

"Bubblegum and Birthday cake are flavors, but bubblegum and birthday cake can be any flavor" I greeted.

"This is not how I wanted to start my day." Shalnark muttered.

"Birthday presents are just a reward for not dying that year." Killua added.

"C'mon! What do you two have against birthdays!?"

"Ten Am and twelve Am both come before eleven Am."

"What? ...Oh. No."

"Crust is just bread armor."

"God fucking damnit Dave."

A/n: ;)

"Locking a door makes it a wall."


"We're inside your house."

"No you're not."


"No, you're not... you're not. I would know if you were. You're not inside my house." Oh no, the subject is in denial. Very sad, anygays-

"Cannibalism holds the potential to solve both world hunger and overpopulation problems."

"I am very uncomfortable with the energy we've created in the studio today."

"An unhinged Farris wheel rolling towards the sea is just a windmill full of corpses."

"I. Am. Very. Uncomfortable. With. The. Energy. We've. Created. In. The. Studio. Today."

"Music is wiggling air."


"Color is wiggling light."


"Artists and musicians are magicians of the wiggle."


"Technically you can go the rest of you're life without eating."

"You can't just move past that!? What does it even mean!? What the fuck is a 'magician of the wiggle'!?"

"If everything in the world suddenly got one-hundred times bigger at the exact same time there'd be no way of noticing."

"Stop. I only like to question my existence after five Pm."

"Technically it's always after five Pm."

"Stop it."

"Lasers were once a huge scientific breakthrough, now we use them to play with cats."

"Computers were once a huge scientific breakthrough, now we use them to look at cats."

"Science was made for cats."

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