37: How to actually stop abortions

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^^^Fill this out please :D

What's this? Another filler chapter?

"In 1920 we took children out of the coal mines." Killua said.

"In 2020 the most popular video game on the market is Minecraft." I added.

"Cool? Where is this going?" Shark Tank asked.

"The children yearn for the mines."

"Ohhhhh. We're still not getting slaves."


Who am I kidding, literally every chapter is a filler chapter

"Y'all ever just wanna liven't?" I asked.


"Like, not die. You don't wanna die! 'Cause then you'd be dead."

"...Yes, that's what dying does. It makes you dead."

"You don't wanna go from alive to dead. You just wanna not be alive... liven't."

"You need therapy. Also, no saying anything about marriage counseling." Shark Tank said.

"You need couples therapy."

"You little shit-"

Y/n has left the call and is now running for their life

There's no plot. At all.

"Do you want to have a bad time?" Killua asked.

"No." Shalnark replied.

"Do you wish to have an unfortunate experience?" I questioned.

"I really don't."

"I ask you if you are capable enough to engage in a terrible experience for yourself and I being the cause?" Killua inquired.

"Please... I just said that Feitan went on vacation..."

I don't even know why you all are here

"Would you like to know what your kids did?" Churro asked. Haha... we didn't do anything. You don't have to tell him chloride, it's fine!

"Well, if they're my kids, it must be something bad." Shalnark replied. Aww, you know us so well!

"Well, I had to go see the Chairman of the Hunter Association, because it seems like they've been abusing the power of their Hunter Licenses."

"...And how did they explain that?" Shalnark asked.

"They've had a lot of extra responsibilities around here since you died."



"...Did I suffer?"

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