42: How to kidnap a kangaroo

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Eat food, drink water, and get 5+ hours of sleep today or the penguin gets it🐧🔫

"Does the gate need to be that big or..."

"Stop judging my completely normal sized gate." Killua said. I don't know man, it just seems a bit bigger than normal gates by a few centimeters or something.




"Are we gonna open the gate?" I asked. I mean, we could just stay here. Staring at the gate is cool too. What a beautiful gate.

"Yeah, go open it." Killua ordered.

"Wait, why do I have to open it!?"

"Because you do!"

"No! Fuck you!"

"I'll give you money if you open the gate." Killua tried bribe me.

...It worked.

"You owe me money now."

"How the fuck- y'know what, never mind."

"...Is it just me or was that gate a bit heavier than normal gates?"

"Stop judging my completely normal gate!"

"Fine. ...Is it just me or is your property bigger than normal properties-"

"Stop judging everything!"

"Okay, okay! No need to be so over dramatic!" I said. I'm going to fill your properties with llamas. Fuck you.

"I'm not being- whatever. Fine. Just stop judging things."

"Can I judge the people stalking us?" I asked.

"That's just my Mother and Kalluto, ignore them." Killua replied. I'm going to kidnap Kalluto. They shall learn the ways of tossing soup at people.

"Ah, okay." I said, pretending like I didn't just create a twenty step plan for kidnapping and corrupting Kalluto.

Ooo look a tree! Ooo look more trees! Oooo even more trees! Look a giant dog! Wow so many trees- wait... a giant dog?

"Killua." I called, "I know you said to stop judging things-"

"Don't you dare." Killua cut off.

"But I think-" I continued.

"Stop it."

"Your dog might be a bit oversized-"

"Goddamnit! Stop judging my dog!"

"Just admit that your dog is kind of fat!"

"He is not!"

"He is!"

"Is not!"

"Is too!"

"Is not!"


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