48: How to start a food fight, but your lives end up in danger

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Eat food, drink water, and get 5+ hours of sleep today or Kalluto dies🔫🔫

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500,000 dollars it takes Silva less than
two days to get the children back

690,000 it takes him more than two days~



690,000 it takes less than two days.

That's the spirit~

Why are you even here?

To make bets of course~

I pray that you get shot

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Please refrain from flirting in the

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It did, in fact, take Silva less than two days to recapture the flags (Y/n and Killua). They never said outside influence wasn't allowed.

Unfortunately that means that Y/n and Killua will be joining family dinner. The Zoldycks will regret all their life decisions.

"Before we eat," Y/n began prayer. "I thank Jinx for the meal, and pray for Silva's downfall in the upcoming days." They then tossed a knife at Silva, as one does.

"Please save the assassination attempts for after dinner." Zeno spoke. As entertaining as it is to watch, he'd like to enjoy his meal in peace. However, the author is a sadistic bastard who will not, under any circumstance, let that happen.

"Yes sir." After dinner it's on sight. Silva better watch his fucking back.

In reality everyone enjoys watching, and/or participating in, Y/n's attempts on Silva's life. Including Silva himself. Milluki being the only exception, seeing how he is still unaware of his newest sibling's existence.

The rapid consumption of dinner then began, as everyone rushed to get the food they wanted. It's a tough life living with assassins who, when holding grudges, will still your favorite foods.

Y/n and Killua saw it at the same time, as this is more dramatic for the plot.

The avocados.

War flashbacks from the avocado incident rang in their heads, leaving them frozen in shock. ...for about two seconds, because then they saw the chocolate covered strawberries.

All the dramatic memories were immediately dismissed as they focused on the infinitely more important task of consuming strawberries.

Illumi, being the observant person that he is, stared in confusion. However, he quickly blamed it on Y/n and Killua being insane, and continued on with his meal.

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