Chapter 7

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Siri POV

"No f'n way! Jungkook is your other boss?!" Jimin shouted in amazement, looking at me stunned.

"Yep" I said, popping the p. "And he's already flirting with me, Mimi. What should I do? He can't know about Justin."

Jimin gulped and his eyes went everywhere but at me. Weird...

"Mimi... why are you avoiding eye contact with me all of a sudden?"

"Huh? I'm not. Don't know what you're talking about..." He said while still not looking at me and grabbing the chips in front of him to distract himself.


Jimin started reading the ingredients and the information on the back of the chip packet as if it was so interesting.

"Oh, would you look at that! These chips are low in sodium! Not too unhealthy for you. Good pick! And they are sooo delicious!"

He started stuffing his mouth with a bunch of chips and munched really loudly.

"Park Jimin. I can see right through you." I deadpanned.

"What?" He said with his mouth full of chips. "I jush weally love dese tips!"

He grabbed another handful and stuffed his face some more.


I gave Jimin a knowing look but turned my attention to my adorable son. "Yes Bunny?"

"I can't find my Iron Man flippers!"

"You mean slippers Sweetie. They are by the shoe rack near the front door. Go have a look Bunny."

"Thank you mommy!" I watched my son run in the direction of the front door.

"Whatever Jimin. Just tell me what I should do about Jungkook. I shouldn't flirt back right? I need to stay professional. Keep him away from Justin."

"Yep. Shtay profesh. Don't flirt back. Avoid him at all costs." He kept speaking with his mouth full.

I gave Jimin another deadpanned expression as I obviously can't avoid Jungkook when I'm going to be his secretary.

"Uncle Chimmy! Mommy says you shouldn't speak with your mouth full of food!"

I chuckled at my son and gave Jimin a smirk while he pouted at me with his cheeks full of chips, looking like a chipmunk.

He swallowed his mouthful and said to Justin, "What are you, the manner police? Are you 50 or 5? I'm special you little rugrat. I'm allowed to eat and talk at the same time."

Justin gasped and looked at me. "I'll be 6 soon right mommy? And am I not special too mommy?" He pouted with a sad face and big wide eyes.

I gave Jimin a glare while he smirked at me as he took another handful of chips. He likes to wind me up and tease Justin.

"Yes Bunny, you'll be 6 in a few months. And of course you are special Sweetie. Uncle Chimmy is just being an annoying pest. Thinks he can get away with no manners because he thinks he's cute."

"Heeey! I am cute! I'm a cutie-sexy-lovely-sweet guy!"

"To Joonie maybe. To me you're a pain in the ass."

Jimin gasped and pretended to be shocked and offended. I rolled my eyes at him and we both giggled at each other.

"I'm kidding rugrat. I know I shouldn't talk with my mouth full. You keep listening to your mom ok? And you are very special." He ruffled Justin's hair and gave him a chip to shut him up.

"Okay! Thank you Uncle Chimmy!" Justin ran off with his chip and Iron Man slippers.

"Gosh, he looks like Jungkook when his eyes go big like that" I said as I brought my hands to my face and rubbed my temples.

"Mimi. I'm scared." I started tearing up now with worry. "I wish Jungkook could know about Justin. Why do things have to be so complicated?" I sniffled, rubbing my nose.

"Hey, hey. It's ok." Jimin came around the kitchen island and hugged me, rubbing my back to comfort me. "Whatever happens, I'll be here. Just... try to keep Jungkook at arm's length. Try not give in to his flirting if you can. Or don't. You two made a cute kid. Make some more."

He giggled at the last part and I giggled with him trying to make light of the situation.

"I'll try not give in... but fuck.. Mimi. He's so frickin sexy now and it's been a while since I last had seeex" I whined the last part and he chuckled at me.

I've had the odd one night stand and only two relationships since highschool. They didn't last that long as Justin was quite young and they couldn't handle dating a woman who has a kid.

Makes me think I'll never be able to find a guy to marry since no guy wants to be with a girl with a kid that isn't theirs.

When Justin was first born, Jimin offered to become Justin's dad. He said I could put his name down on Justin's birth certificate and he would happily play the dad. But I couldn't do that to him. I didn't want him to have that responsibility and I wanted Jimin to go be gay and free. Find the man of his dreams. Which he did. He found Namjoon.

I also didn't want Justin to grow up thinking Jimin was his father if, for some reason, Jungkook ever did find out about him. It would confuse Justin and I don't want to lie to him more than I already have. He thinks his father is like Iron Man and is busy out there doing something good for the world.

"Come on Hoe. Time to feed me and your rugrat some dinner. I'll get full on these chips soon and need real food."

I rolled my eyes and chuckled. "You're like my second child, Mimi. Shouldn't you go home and cook for Namjoon?"

"He's hanging out with some friends tonight. Why do you think I'm here with you? If he's not home, you are my second home."

"Aww. You melt my heart Mimi. Take Justin and go wash your hands first. Dinner is almost ready."

"Yes momma-hoe dearest!"


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