Chapter 23

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Jungkook's POV

I can't believe she tried to use that story on me yesterday. My father was right.

I believe my parents of course. Why would they lie to me?

Today is that highschool reunion thing. I wasn't going to go but I wanted to since Serena and Jimin were going. But now I'm here alone just to get my mind off everything. Maybe I'll find someone to have a one night stand with.

The reunion was happening at our old school gym. I was greeted by a few people and saw some of my old friends. There was Eunwoo, BamBam, Yugyeom, Jaehyun and Mingyu. We chatted away, catching up on old times and what everyone is up to now.

I saw Jimin come in but no Serena. She probably didn't want to risk coming in and seeing me which is fair enough since I caught her in a lie.

I went to grab some snacks from a table behind where my friends and I were when a woman came up to me.

"Jeon Jungkook. Long time no see." She said in a flirty voice.

"Oh, hey Mia."

Hmm.. maybe she'll take my mind off a certain someone...

She and I made small talk, flirting here and there. I noticed Jimin was watching and rolled his eyes at me and shook his head in disappointment.


I was sick of the small talk and wanted to take Mia somewhere to go bang her brains out. I suggested we go somewhere else and she was definitely keen. She said she would be back in a minute to grab her purse. Meanwhile, I overheard a conversation my friends and some other school mates were having...

"Heyyy Park Jimin! Where's Serena? Weren't you two like joined at the hip?"

JM: "Haha yeah, we are sometimes. She couldn't make it tonight."

"Damn. I wanted to tell her thank you for what she did for me back in highschool."

"What? Thank her for fucking you in the boys locker room?"

"Haha... uh.. actually... that never happened..."

I heard a few people say some confused 'what's. Even I was thinking that.

"Well, since it's been a few years... I'll come clean. Serena and I never had sex. She overheard me crying in the locker room and tried to make me feel better. Someone was coming and I was embarrassed so she pretended to do fake moans so I would look cool rather than look like a pussy crying... "

"No way! She did something similar for me too!"

I froze and my heart pounded fast. Mia came back and tried to drag me away but I shushed her away so I could continue listening and watch the conversation...

"She and I never had sex either. She felt bad for me when she overheard me in the library one day complaining and talking to myself that I'll never get laid so she said I could use her name and come up with something. I came up with the rumour of us having sex in the car on the beach..."

"Well while you all are confessing... I will too. Siri and I never fucked that time in the mall... I was trying on some clothes and got something stuck in my zipper. She was shopping in the same store and helped me out. Someone must have seen her come in to my changing room and assumed we were having sex and spread that rumour.
When I found out about it, I felt bad and told her straight away but she told me to not worry. She said I could act like we did it, but in return she only wanted me to treat her nicely and make sure that I told my friends to treat her nicely too if the rumour went out of hand. She was so nice about everything. I actually asked her out on a date after that but she said she had a crush on someone already and was waiting for him."

I caught Jimin looking at me at that point and he raised an eyebrow at me.

Shit... I was her crush wasn't I?

"Damn. So all those rumours weren't true? Siri was never a slut? She was just a genuine nice girl helping you all out?"

"Seems like it. I felt pretty bad Siri had to go through all the slut shaming and bullying from some of the girls."

"Ohh yeah, I remember a group of bitches doing that. I stepped in once to help since she helped me with the lie."

My heart was racing at these new revelations...

I've made a terrible mistake.

"Hey where'd Jimin go?"

"He got a call and had to go. Looked like he was in a rush."

"So who actually slept with Serena then?"

No one spoke up. Most of them shrugged.

"Wait. I saw her dancing with someone at the last highschool party. I think I even saw her go into a bedroom with the guy. Maybe he was lucky and got to sleep with her? I can't remember who it was though. Did any of you see them or remember who it was?

Everyone shrugged or said no because they were too drunk or weren't paying attention that night. Their conversation changed subject, while me... I couldn't stop my heart from pounding in my ears because I knew I was that person at the party.

So that night she wasn't trying to sweeten me up like I thought because she was never a slut.

She actually liked me and was genuine when she told me she liked me.

I was the only one who slept with her...

My mind was all over the place and I had to sit down as pieces were coming together in my head.

"Hey! Jeon Jungkook! Good to see ya mate!" It was another school friend, Bang Chan. He came and sat next to me wanting to make conversation.

"Uh.. hey..." Was all I could say as I was still out of it.

I was still wrapping my head around the fact Siri never slept with anyone. Just me.

She only slept with me... Which means... Justin is...

BC: "I saw you the other week at the supermarket. Couldn't say hi to you though as I was in a rush but I saw you and Siri together. You guys make a cute couple. Did you get together after highschool? Oh and cute kid you guys have by the way. He looks just like you bro. Same big eyes and the same smile. He's like a mini you. How long have you and Siri been together now? I guess she's at home with the little guy since she's not here?"

I froze as my heart dropped and my eyes went wide as realisation dawned on me.

Serena wasn't lying...

Justin is mine.

Holy shit.

I have to go.

I need to see Siri and I need to see him.

"Sorry Chan, I gotta go. I realised I forgot to do something for Siri. If you see me again, let's chat next time, yeah?"

BC: "Oh ok, sure. No worries bro. I'll catch ya later."

I ran to my car and started heading for Siri's place. I've made a fucking terrible mistake and I need to apologise to her.

I can't believe I've been blind all this time! How could I not see the resemblance!

That feeling I got when looking at Justin wasn't that he reminded me of Siri. It was that he reminded me of myself!

But another thing to think about - why the fuck did my parents lie to me???

Doesn't matter right now because all I want to do is see Siri and Justin.


My son...


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