Chapter 21

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A/N: Racism ahead. Is intended because of the context and how I made the character to be so please don't get offended. I am half asian and half European myself so please be mature with things.

Siri POV

I told Jimin about Jungkook's parents visiting work and that they saw Jungkook holding Justin.

I'm absolutely terrified they will act on their threat. I couldn't sleep as I kept replaying the horrible encounter I had with them years ago.


2 months after 'the night' with Jungkook

Holy shit...


"What, Hoe?!"

"Come quick!"

"Why is your head over the toilet bowl? You sick again?"

"Mimi..." I start sniffling as tears run down my face and I hold out the stick in my hand for him to look at. "I'm pregnant..."

2 weeks later

Jimin came with me last week to my doctor's appointment and there's no doubt about it. I'm currently 10 weeks pregnant.

My father was slightly disappointed I'm pregnant so young but still happy he was going to be a grandfather. He supported my decision to keep the baby. Jimin's parents were great about it too since they are my second family.


Why won't Jungkook reply to me? I've messaged him for the past two weeks but he hasn't even 'seen' my messages.

I need to tell him as soon as possible about the baby. Maybe I'll go round to his house and speak to him instead?


"Hi Mrs Jeon. I was wondering if Jungkook was home?"

Jungkook's mother has always been so nice to me. Always gave me tea and biscuits whenever I came over to study with Jungkook. Even had me stay for dinner once. I never met his father though as he was always away on business.

"Oh I'm sorry, Dear. Jungkook is overseas for his studies. He left around 2 months or so ago."

Oh no... What the fuck do I do? This explains why he hasn't seen my messages. He probably has a different phone number... Shit. How do I let him know???

"Can I help you with anything my Dear?"

MrJ: "Who is that Miyeon-ah?"

MrsJ: "It's one of Jungkookie's classmates. Serena, this is my husband and Jungkook's father, Junghoon."

"Nice to meet you Mr Jeon." I bowed to him. "Um. I actually have something important to tell Jungkook. And maybe you both as well?"

MrsJ: "Come on in, Dear." She had the same doe eyes Jungkook has when she smiled.

They sat me on a seat in their living room and I fidgeted with my fingers and licked my lips. I felt really hot all of sudden.

"So... Mr and Mrs Jeon..." I gulped as I was nervous about telling them.

Jungkook's dad looked scary. I could tell he didn't like me at all and he just met me. He had such judgemental eyes, looking at me up and down.

MrsJ: "What is it, Dear?" She was still smiling at me.

"I'm... I'm pregnant and Jungkook is the father..."

MrJ: "WHAT?!"

"I'm so sorry!" I got on my knees and bowed to them with my forehead and hands on the floor. "Just know that this was in no way planned. We used protection, I swear!" I said while still bowing.

MrJ: "My son will NOT be having a child at 18! And certainly not to a low class Western whore! How do we even know our son is the father?! You're probably one of those Western white trashy girls! You're one of those gold diggers aren't you?! You're after our money!"

MrsJ: "Junghoon!" she looked at him with disbelief while my heart was racing in fear and tears swelled in my eyes as I looked at him.

"I promise you Mr Jeon, Jungkook is definitely the father. And I'm not after anything. I just wanted him to know-"

MrJ: "Get rid of it." He said sternly.

I gasped and my tears dropped. Jungkook's mother also gasped in shock.

I shook my head, "N-no. I'm not getting r-rid of my b-baby. J-jungkook is my first l-love and I still have feeli-"

MrJ: "I will NOT accept this! Jungkook will be taking over my company in a few years and will become a successful CEO. He will NOT have some Western whore ruin our family name! And I will NOT have a half-caste for a grandson!"

MrsJ: "Junghoon! You can't be serious!" she said gobsmacked.

MrJ: "I am dead serious. You, you little harlot, will NOT speak to Jungkook about any of this. If I find out you have tried to contact my son about this baby, I will ruin you and those close to you. Just like you would ruin us if Jungkook knew about this mishap."

He spat his words with hatred at me while tears flowed down my cheeks.

MrJ: "If, by some unfortunate turn of events, he happens to meet you again, you will NOT tell him the child is his. Do you understand me? He will never know he is the father of this child."

I was frozen in fear and shaking like a leaf as I cried.

"Do you understand me, harlot?" He barked at me.

I quickly nodded my head, "Yes Mr Jeon." I whimpered.

MrJ: "Since I am a businessman and not totally heartless, for your cooperation, I will give you something." He walked away somewhere then quickly came back out with a small cheque book.

"$500,000. That should be enough to help you with your..." He gave me a dirty look as he looked at me up and down, "your predicament. Full name?"

"I d-don't want-"

"Full. Name." He repeated aggressively.

I told him my full name and he angrily wrote the sum of money on the cheque, signing his signature at the bottom. He ripped it off and shoved it towards me.

MrJ: "You WILL accept it so you WILL keep your mouth shut. Understood?"

"Yes Mr Jeon..." I squeaked out.


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