Chapter 30

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Jungkook's POV

I could feel small movements in the hand that I was holding and I jerked awake.

I looked at Siri's hand in mine and hers was twitching. I looked at her face and her eyes were moving under her closed eyelids.

"Siri?" I said softly as my heart was racing a hundred miles per hour.

I felt a stronger tug on my hand and I was elated. She heard me! She's waking up!

Tears started swelling in my eyes as I watched her eyes flutter open slowly and her hand gripped mine.

"Siri?" I said again.

Her eyes looked at mine and she gave a small smile as she slowly blinked.

I was ecstatic. I lifted her hand to my lips and kissed the back of it, then I leaned over and kissed her forehead.

"I love you I love you I love you" I said quickly as tears of relief rolled down my face and I tightly gripped her hand.

"I-I k-know" she stuttered with a raspy voice from not talking for a while.

I went to get her some water and a straw to help her talk better. I helped her drink the water and could see she swallowed thickly.

I had to get everything I wanted to say out now. It was eating me up inside.

"I'm so sorry for not believing you. Sorry for all the things I said when I last saw you. You're none of those things. And I'm sorry for using you back in highschool. I–"

"I-I h-heard y-you." She smiled at me again. "Ev-very-thing."

"You did?" I asked surprised and she nodded with a small smile.

"A-and I... l-love you.. t-too."

My heart soared and did a hundred flips as happy tears fell down my face. I kissed her lips deeply but gently and she kissed back.

As soon as I came away...

"Mommy! You're awaaake!"

"Oh thank the heavens!" Jimin said in relief.

They both ran over to greet and kiss her forehead. Jimin had happy tears in his eyes.

JM: "You are never allowed to almost die ever again. Ever. I have to die before you because my heart can't take you being gone. Promise me this."

He put out his pinky finger as he sniffled and rubbed his nose. Siri smiled and nodded and slowly put her good arm up to pinky promise.

JK: "You said you heard me. Does that mean you heard other things too?"

Siri nodded her head and looked at the water again. I helped her drink more so she could talk.

Siri: "I h-heard ab-bout the twins."

JM: "Oh good! Saves us having to surprise that on you."

"Mommy! I'm going to get a bwother or sister! Or both!" He said happily and she nodded with a smile in reply.

JK: "I'll go get the doctor so they can check you over."


It was another week before Siri could be released from hospital but that was ok, she's alive, moving and talking.

When I told my parents she was awake, they came and visited Siri again to apologise. Both my father and mother actually bowed to her. She forgave them which made my mother cry with tears of happiness.

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