Chapter 26

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Jimin's POV

This highschool reunion fuckin sucks ass.

Mainly because I can see that stupid hot shot CEO flirting with the real slut of the school.

I can't believe he would move on from Siri that quickly. I really thought he was falling for her. It looked like he was.

I was called over to a group of guys and they asked me about Siri. I noticed Jungkook was stiff as he was trying to listen.

When a few of the guys started confessing that they hadn't actually slept with Siri, I kept my eyes on Jungkook to see his reaction.

Of course I knew she hadn't actually slept with anyone. She lost her virginity to Jungkook that night.

He looked confused and appalled with himself as he continued listening.

Good. I hope he feels like shit.

I felt my phone vibrating so I left the group to take the call. I didn't recognise the number so I answered with a "Hello?"

"Hi, is this Park Jimin?"

"Yes. Who's calling?"

"This is Officer Lee Taemin from the City Police. You are registered as Miss Serena Jones' emergency contact. I'm calling to inform you that she's been in a car accident and she's being transferred to the City hospital right now."

I felt like my soul left my body.

"Is she ok?! Her son, Justin, was he with her?! He's only 6 years old. Is he ok?!"

"Oh. Yes. Her son is ok. Just some minor scratches and some bruising. He's just a little shaken up at the moment."

Oh thank fuck. The rugrat is ok. But what about her?

"What happened? Will she be ok?"

"Someone ran a red light and Miss Serena took the brunt of the force as the car hit her driver's side. She was unconscious when emergency services got to her. That's all I'm aware of for now sorry."

"That's ok. Thank you so much Officer. I'll head to the hospital now. Would you be able to meet me there with her son? I'm his uncle and godfather."

"Yes, I can meet you there with him."

"Thank you. I'll be there as soon as I can."

Oh god. Fuck.

I felt like crying.

I better not lose you Siri. 

I can't lose you.


She still hasn't woken up.

The accident was Saturday night and it's now Monday morning.

Namjoon got in this morning and had to go straight to work so I waited till he settled in for an hour before calling him to tell him about Siri.

I needed my man to help keep me together. I'm barely coping as it is. I'm only able to because of Justin.

My parents have been here too since the accident. None of us wanted to leave Siri alone and Justin didn't want to leave his mom.

My parents finally left to go home and have a shower and get some clothes for Justin and myself. They keep some of his clothes at their place since he's there often. The nurses said Justin and I can use the shower here so we'll wait for my parents.


Justin fell asleep so I placed him on the spare hospital bed that was next to Siri so he was more comfortable. My parents were back and were just getting some coffee.


"Joonie!  Thank god you're here!  I'm dying inside!" I ran to him and gave him the biggest hug.

"I thought you might be. Your soulmate still hasn't woken up yet?"

"No... Jagi, what if she doesn't wake up?  What if she doesn't remember me?  Or Justin?  The doctors said they didn't know how long she would be in a coma for and there's a high chance she might have memory loss."

Tears swelled in my eyes at the thought of her losing her memory. She can forget me and she can definitely forget about Jungkook, but she can't forget Justin. It would break his heart.

"Shh shh, it's ok Minie." Namjoon held me as I cried in his arms. "She's a tough girl. She'll pull through."

Just then, we heard lots of beeping and then suddenly one long beep.

It felt like the world stopped turning and like part of me just died.

A few nurses and a doctor rushed in and swarmed around Siri.

"What's happening?!" I panic-cried.

"She's going into cardiac arrest" The doctor quickly said.

"Mommy? Uncle Chimmy, what's wrong with mommy?" He looked worried and panicked too.

Shit! Justin can't see this! 

I quickly wiped my tears and ran to him. I lifted him and quickly took him out of the room while the doctors and nurses tried to save Siri. Namjoon came after me and we waited in the waiting room.

I couldn't help but cry as I might have just lost my best friend.

She had no heart beat just now...

Does that mean she's dead?

Oh please god, please, bring her back!

Justin didn't know what was happening but was crying because I was crying. Namjoon was just trying to hold the both of us and calm us down, but I saw he had tears in his eyes too that he was holding back.

My heart and soul was breaking into a million pieces right now and I didn't know what to do but hold what might possibly be the last living thing of hers I'll have left.  Justin.

I held onto him so damn tight as we cried.

This must be a dream. It's just a really bad one. The worst nightmare ever.

I'll wake up from this soon...

She'll pull through.

She has to.

For me.

For Justin. 


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