Chapter 19

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Siri POV

A couple weeks have gone by and it's been so busy at work. I'm running all around the place for both Namjoon and Jungkook.

I got a call from Justin's school saying he was sick and had to pick him up and bring him to work with me. Jimin's parents have been away on a well deserved holiday so they couldn't help but that's ok. Namjoon and Jungkook didn't mind having him around since he would most likely be all mopey and sleep anyway.

Both Namjoon and Jungkook have a sofa in their office and Justin went to sleep on Jungkook's. Justin said his Uncle Namjoon has a loud voice whereas Mr Kookie's voice is softer.

I went to check on him and saw Jungkook had placed his suit jacket on Justin as a blanket.

JK: "He's been sleeping the whole time. Don't worry Siri. I'm looking after him for you." Jungkook gave me a sweet smile and kissed my left temple.

"Thank you Kookie." I gave him a kiss on the cheek and he lightly tapped my ass cheekily before I walked back to my desk with a giggle.

An hour or two later, I was typing away when the elevator went off and I was a little confused as neither Jungkook nor Namjoon were expecting anyone. Once the elevator door opened and I saw who it was, my blood went cold and I went pale. I tried to swallow down the fear that was rising within me.

I stood up and bowed, and as nicely as I could, I greeted them.

"Good afternoon Mr and Mrs Jeon."

MrJ: "You! What are you doing here? You sneaky little gold digger!" His angry eyes pierced through my soul and I wanted to cry.

"It's not what you think Mr Jeon. I swear." I said in a low voice as I looked down slightly scared.

"Appa? Eomma? What are you two doing here?"

Jungkook came out with a smile while holding a half awake Justin who was rubbing his eyes from sleep and pouting.

Shit, they looked so alike, I wanted to die right then and there at the timing.

Both Mr and Mrs Jeon looked at me then back to Jungkook and Justin.

"Mommyyy" Justin whined as he had his arms out waiting for me to take him from Jungkook.

JK: "He just woke up, as you can tell." He chuckled and I quickly took Justin from him, whispering a thank you and went to my desk.

MrJ: "Son, what is this?" He said sternly.

JK: "Oh, this is Serena. She's mine and Namjoon's secretary. You remember Serena, Eomma? She came by a few times to study with me back in highschool. That's her son and he's sick. We've been so busy that she brought him here. I offered my sofa to him so he could sleep."

MrsJ: "That's very considerate of you Jungkookie. And yes, I do remember Serena. Such a beautiful boy you have there. I hope he gets better Dear."

She gave me a small smile which I said thank you quietly and tried to return a smile back but I couldn't. I wanted to avoid hers and Mr Jeon's eyes.

JK: "So what are you both doing here?"

MrJ: "Are we not allowed to see how our son is doing?"

"Mommy I wanna go hooome" Justin whined into my neck and Mr Jeon glared at me again.

I shushed him quietly, caressing his little head while swaying him in my arms. "I just have to work a little more, bunny. Can you sit quietly on my lap while I do some work?"

JK: "You can go home Siri. You've worked hard these last few days. Go make your little man better." He smiled at me.

I hesitantly glanced at Jungkook's parents then to Jungkook. "You sure? I-I can stay if you need me..."

JK: "Positive. Go home. I'll see you later."

My heart dropped to my stomach when he said that as his father gave me another piercing glare. His mother's expression just remained blank.

I nodded and packed my things quickly. I got out of there as fast as I could with my heart pounding in my ears and dread filled my entire body. By the time I got to my car, I was crying.

"Mommy, why you cwying?"

"I've just had a tough day bunny. Once we get home I'll feel all better. Shall we have some mint-choco ice-cream tonight?"

"Yes please!"

"Great. I'll call Uncle Chimmy and see if he can come over." I sniffled as I wiped my tears away.

I dialled Jimin's number and waited for him to pick up.

"Hey momma-hoe, whatsup?"

"M-mimi...." My voice cracked as I said his nickname.

"Shit. What's wrong? Are you ok? Is Justin ok?" He asked with a slight panic in his voice.

"I n-need you. P-please..."

"I'll be over in 10. Maybe 15 depending on traffic."

"I'm n-not home yet b-but I'm leaving work now."

"I have a key so I'll let myself in. I'll see you soon. And hey, I love you."

He always says he loves me when he knows I need to hear it. When I'm emotional and need support. He's the best best friend ever. My soulmate.

"I love you too Mimi..."

A/N: Shits about to go down readers! Please keep voting ❤️

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