Chapter 14

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Jungkook's POV

The last few weeks have been pretty good and I could feel myself gaining more feelings for Siri.

We've been able to sneak a quickie or two (or three) during the week for the last few weeks and I really can't get enough of her.

I've asked her a couple times to have dinner with me but she always had an excuse. Tonight she said she was having dinner with Jimin so I'm now at the supermarket looking for something to cook up for myself.

I was heading to the milk section for my usual banana milk when I saw a familiar little person trying to reach for the very milk I wanted.

I smiled at the cute sight of him on his tippy toes and his little tongue sticking out the corner of his lips.

"Need some help, little man?" I said with a smile.

"Heeey! I've seen you before! You helped me last time!" The little guy said all cheery with wide bambi eyes.

"That's right, I did. Here you go buddy." I gave him the packet and he gave me a cute bunny smile.

Where have I seen that before?

And his eyes... they look familiar...

"Justin! Where are you my bunny?" I heard a sweet voice call out for him. Obviously his mom.

But why does that voice sound familiar?

"I got my banana mewk mommy!" He ran to the aisle his mom was in which wasn't too far so I could still hear them talking.

"A nice man got the mewk for me!"

"Really? Did you say thank you to the nice man?"

I heard him gasp and I chuckled. "I forgot! I go tell him now!"

I watched the little guy run back out to me with a smile on my face as I waited for him but I froze in shock when I saw his mom walking behind him.

No fucking way...

"Mommy! This is the nice man!" He pointed to me and she froze when she saw who I was. "Thank you Mister for helping me again!"

I looked down at the little guy to see his cute bright smile and then looked back up to Serena as she stood there looking all stunned and nervous.

"Hey Siriiii! Can't we just get taaaake... out... oh shit..." Jimin came out from an aisle looking at both of us with wide eyes as they were going left and right between Siri and I.

"Uncle Chimmy look! It's the nice man who helped me last time!"

Siri looked at Jimin with wide eyes and Jimin looked everywhere but at Siri and laughed nervously while scratching his nose.

"Haha.. yeah... uh... I don't remember that at all! But hi anyway! Nice seeing you here agai- I mean for the first time! Uh... huh? What was that? I think I heard an ice-cream truck! Come here rugrat!"

Jimin quickly lifted the kid, "We gotta skedaddle buddy!" and he quickly ran out of the supermarket with him while the little guy giggled and squealed cutely.

Serena and I were left alone, standing awkwardly in silence.

My heart was racing and pounding in my ears. I can't believe she has a kid. Why didn't she tell me?

All of a sudden I see Serena turning around, dropping the basket of food she was carrying at a counter and walking quickly out the supermarket, leaving me all stunned again.

She's not going to explain anything to me???

I ran out after her.

"Siri! Wait!"

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