Chapter 28

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Jungkook's POV

Dr: "You all can see her now."

We all walked into Siri's room. The sight of her made me want to break down and cry except Jimin and his mom beat me to it.

Jimin cried into Namjoon's arms while his mother cried into her husband's arms. I held Justin tight to me and his face was in the crook of my neck. A few tears dropped down my cheek from the sight of her.

Siri had wires in her arms and a tube in her mouth to help her breathe. Her face was bruised purple, her head was wrapped in bandages and an arm in a cast.

Dr: "So we did manage to save her but unfortunately, she needs the ventilator to help her breathe."

RM: "Will she be able to breathe on her own eventually?" He asked with a sniffle.

Dr: "If she heals well then yes."

Everyone gathered around Siri's bed. Jimin straight away held her free hand and kissed it. I can't imagine what hell he's been through the last couple days. I know those two are practically like soulmates.

Like I've said before, I'm glad he's gay.

Dr: "There's one other thing. A miracle in my medical opinion."

RM: "What is it?"

Dr: "We did an ultrasound to make sure and surprisingly the babies are ok and their heartbeats are fine. Which is a miracle, especially after she went into cardiac arrest."

We all froze and stared at the doctor stunned. Jimin and his mother stopped crying.

JM: "I'm sorry, what? Did you say babies? As in plural?"

Holy shit.

Dr: "Oh... Weren't any of you aware she's pregnant? With twins?"

Everyone shook their heads no immediately.

Dr: "It is early days. She may not have been aware that she is pregnant either."




JM: "Holy shiitake mushrooms!" He exclaimed.

I knew it was his version of swearing since he couldn't actually swear because Justin was in the room.

JK: "How far along is she?" I asked as I knew the babies would be mine since I now know Siri was never a slut.

Dr: "About 6 weeks. I assume you would be the father of these babies as well since that boy looks just like you?"

I nodded my head, still in a slight daze at this new information.

Dr: "Well then I guess congratulations are in order. We will monitor both Serena and your babies to ensure they will grow healthily."

JK: "Thank you..." Was all I could muster to say.

The doctor left and we all had to sit down. I sat on Siri's right side while Justin sat on my lap. Jimin sat by her left side, holding her hand, Namjoon next to him. Jimin's parents sat on some spare chairs at the end of her bed.

J: "Does this mean I will be getting a brother or sister soon?"

MrP: "You might be getting two brothers or two sisters. Or one of each."

MrsP: "Do twins run in your family, Jungkook-ah?"

JK: "My mother's side, yes. I have uncles that are twins..."

I can't believe we're having twins.

JM: "You need to get a damn vasectomy." He rubbed his nose as he sniffled. "Siri can't be having these 'accidents' all the time. Even though you both make cute babies."

Even though his eyes were red and puffy and his nose made him look like Rudolph, Jimin still managed to give a small smirk to me.

That made the corner of my lips turn up. I'm glad the normal Jimin is sort of coming back.

RM: "No. They need to stop rooting during work hours and actually work."

That made us adults chuckle slightly.

I'm going to be a dad again.

And this time I'm going to make sure I am there for her. Every step of the way with whatever she needs.

"Uncle Joonie, what does rooting mean?"


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