Chapter Five

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Daemon after his loss in the tournament still felt triumphant after the death of Viserys' heir. Going to a brothel and hanging out with his whore. He spoke in a brothel and called the heir,

'Heir for a day.'

This one line of speak would cause Daemon to be exiled again. Not once did Verena ever think that he would be so shallow.
She would not find out until Rhaenyra told her but she was furious.
A child died.
His nephew died.
Her innocent portrayal of Daemon was shattered that day.

He left with no word to Verena. She was used to this.
It hurt but she knew he would be back.
He always came back.

Rhaenyra was crowned heir to the Iron Throne and Princess of Dragonstone

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Rhaenyra was crowned heir to the Iron Throne and Princess of Dragonstone.
Verena stood next to her father and sister with a calm and collected smile on her face but inside she was so proud of her dearest friend.
Rhaenyra would be queen.
All the lords swore fealty to Princess Rhaenyra.
Verena didn't know at the time but this was all a part of her fathers plan. Something that would create the largest civil war in Westeros.

Verena was always a sweet little girl

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Verena was always a sweet little girl. She liked picking flowers and running a muck with Rhaenyra.
Her father would always scold her for being unladylike.
That she was making a fool out herself.
But everytime her chin would fall. Daemon would be the one to make it lift back up.
A precious little dove that he protected.
Before he left the first time he said,

"evewhen ilihbd poghash mirros bona hurts ao. Ao ōdrikagon zirȳ arlī. Se ao dōrī ivestragī zirȳ ūndegon ao cry.
"Whenever anyone says, anything that hurts you. You hurt them back. And you never let them see you cry."

She always tried to heed these words. She fought as much as she could.
No longer could she ignore the looks of distaste from her father.
No longer could she bear the expectations of being a disappointment.

So she decided to play the perfect lady.
But even that wasn't enough.
Over the years the life she was living had little happiness.
Rhaenyra loved her sure.
But the person who was supposed to love her most hated her from her first breath.

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