Chapter Thirty Two

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The meeting was tense.
They all scurried to find what to do next.
A fight between whether or not to take action or to action with peace in mind.
Daemon wanted nothing more than to kill the greens for their treachery.
Verena thought opposite.
Her nephews and niece are just tiny pieces on a chess board Otto and Alicent move around as they see pleases them.
Helaena was good and bright.
Aemond loved his family.
Aegon wanted nothing to do with the throne the last time Verena had spoken to him.

Verena stood to the side of Rhaenyra who stood with her head tall when
Daemon spoke starting off the meeting.

"It's no easy thing for a man to be a dragonslayer.
But dragons can kill dragons.
And have.
The simple truth is this: we have more dragons than Aegon."

Maelor stood with Jace and Luke listening and watching unsure what his role was by being there.
Her son was a strong fighter.
He would make a great commander if it came to it.
He took after his mother in every way possible.
Rhaenyra spoke truthfully,

"Viserys spoke often of the Valyrian histories.
I know them well.
When dragons flew to war... everything burned.
I do not wish to rule over a kingdom of ash and bone."

Daemon stood unpleased with her inaction.
Verena on the other hand was incredibly proud of Rhaenyra.
She was thinking of her people.
Dragons are beautiful creatures but their fire brings about destruction.
Lord Bartimos inquired,

"Are you considering the High towers' terms, Your Grace?"

Rhaenyra spoke quickly intending on showing her power and showing her strength through mercy.
Her duty to the realm was told to her by Viserys.
Viserys wanted nothing more than peace and unity among the family.
Verena knew that blood would be spilled.
But they would not be the first to spill it.

"As Queen, what is my true duty to the realm, Lord Bartimos?"
Ensuring peace and unity?
Or that I sit the Iron Throne, no matter the cost?"

Daemon rolled his eyes at Rhaenyra speaking like what she had said what ludricuous.

"That's your father talking."

Verena interjected,

"But is she wrong?
Peace and unity is the one thing a King or Queen should strive for despite any personal conflict."

Rhaenyra nodded thankful for Verena and continued,

"My father's dead.
And he chose me as his successor... to defend the realm, not cast it headlong into war."

Daemon was walking away when his blood boiled and he screamed out angrily,

"Well, the enemy have declared war. What are you gonna do about it?"

Verena stood unsure what to say.
Her queen and her husband fighting.
Rhaenyra commanded the room,

"Clear the room."

Everyone trickled out in spurts as Maelor came over and kissed his mother's cheek quickly which she responded to by saying,

"Jikagon jurnegon va aōha siblings.
Nyke jāhor ūndegon ao shortly issa jorrāelagon."
"Go check on your siblings.
I will see you shortly my love."

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