Chapter Twenty Eight

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authors note: mature content

When Verena got to their chambers, Daemon slammed the door behind her furious at his wife

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When Verena got to their chambers,
Daemon slammed the door behind her furious at his wife.
She stood confused.
He kept breathing heavily before speaking,

"Skorkydoso could ao dīnagon aōla isse danger?
Ao issi pregnant.
Rūsīr issa prince.
Se ao sepār leapt ezīmagon danger.
Avy jorrāelan.
Nyke jorrāelagon īlva riñar.
Ao daor abandon zirȳ."
"How could you put yourself in danger?
You are pregnant.
With my heir.
And you just leapt into danger.
I love you.
I love our children.
You cannot abandon them."

"Daemon, nyke sȳz.
Nyke emagon issare dealt worse.
Ziry istan nykeā quba iderennon va issa part.
Yn nyke ēdan naejot mīsagon jace.
Ao emagon naejot pāsagon issa.
Avy jorrāelan se īlva riñar se nyke would dōrī jaelagon naejot henujagon ao.
Daor ondoso iderennon."
"Daemon, I am fine.
I have been dealt worse.
It was a bad choice on my part.
But I had to protect Jace....
You have to trust me.
I love you and our children and i would never want to leave you.
Not by choice."

He shook his head as she stepped towards him taking his hand and placing it on her round stomach.
Verena spoke igniting a flame between them,

"Nyke jorrāelagon issa lentor.
Se whoever tries naejot gūrogon issa qrīdrughagon hen zirȳ.
Jāhor zālagon."
"I love my family.
And whoever tries to take me away from them....
Will burn."

Daemon's eyes met hers again as they both stood leaning closer to each other panting.

"They will burn.
I promise you."

Their lips met roughly, moving against each other pulling at each others clothing.

"You have too much on."

Daemon spoke before taking a dagger and cutting her dress.
Verena moaned as his hand trailed across the nape of her neck.
He turned her around attaching his mouth back onto her pushing her backwards onto the bed gently.
They fell into each other,
he was especially careful with his pregnant wife.
They laid for a second just breathing each other in.
They fell into each other the whole night reminiscing in the simple times.
They loved each other,
no one would ever question that.
His little dove.
Her prince.

Verena lay on top of Daemon bouncing on his cock when Rhaenyra barged into their quarters.
Verena just rolled her eyes and rolled to cover herself.

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