Everything Happens For A Reason (Emblem3 FanFic)

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Ding. I am so sick of hearing this sound but I’m going to have to deal with it. The bell rings two more times so I rush to go and get the order that has just been finished. I grab the tray of a burger and fries and take it to a man, who looks about thirty or so, who is on his cell phone. He flashes me a quick smile and hands me a twenty dollar bill. I guess being a waitress can have its perks.

I work at the one and only In-N-Out burger. It’s Los Angeles’s best burger joint and it’s always busy. I just started working here a few weeks ago when I moved here from Rhode Island. I’m 17 years old and fresh out of high school. I moved here all by myself so I can go to college and work on becoming a singer. I’ve been singing since I was 5 years old and it’s all I can dream of doing, but going to college is obviously for a back-up plan. So, until school starts I’ll be spending basically everyday tending to people.

The bell rings again so I hustle over and grab the food. This time, there are two burgers, two fries and two drinks. I find the only table with two people sitting at it and try to make my way through the huge line of people to bring it to them. As I’m about to set the tray on their table, a young boy bumps into me causing all of the food to spill onto the guy at the table. He jumps up and I immediately start to apologize.

“It’s okay.” He says with the sweetest smile. “It wasn’t your fault.”

“I will get you both some new food on the house!”

“That would be great. Thanks.” The guy says with yet another great smile. I can’t help but notice that his teeth are perfect and his eyes are a pretty shade of brown with hazel specks inside. This guy is incredibly cute. I just stop and stare at him for a while until I hear the bell ring again.

“I’ll bring everything out in just a sec!” I help other people while I wait for the new set of food to be ready. When it is, I instantly bring it to the attractive guy and the person with him. I happen to notice that the person he is with is a girl and for some reason, I get disappointed. But it’s not like I would have any shot with this guy anyways. “Here you guys go! Sorry for the wait.”

“No problem!” The girl says with a smile. She has light brown hair with curls that seem natural. Oh how I wish I had curly hair like hers. My dark brown hair is pin straight and sometimes impossible to curl.

“Thank you, um, what’s your name?” The guy asks with a laugh.

“It’s Tori.” I say trying not to blush.

“Well, thank you, Tori.” He gives me a quick smile and I have to force myself to get back to work. The rest of the night goes by fast because we are so busy. At around 9 o’clock, my boss says that I can go home while he closes up. I happily thank him, get my purse and keys, and head out back to get to my car. When I go to start the car, the engine stalls and it won’t go on. I try a few more times before I realize that it’s no use. “Damn it!” I yell to myself. I can never have one day where nothing goes wrong.

I step outside of my car and use my phone to Triple A. Of course, I can’t even connect with a person because all of the phone lines are busy. I stand there waiting for someone to answer the phone when I hear, “Hey, Tori!” coming from behind me. I turn around and see the same guy from earlier running towards me.

“Hey!” I shout back.

When he finally makes his way to me, he says, “I found this on the floor when I was leaving.” He holds out my silver bracelet that has my name engraved on one side and the words ‘Everything Happens for a Reason’ on the other. “I’m guessing it fell off when that guy bumped into you.” He carefully hands it to me as if it’s made of glass.

“Aw, thank you! I would have been so upset if I lost this.”

“Not a problem. So, what are you up to?”

“I was actually about to head home but my car won’t start.”

“Damn, that sucks. Did you call Triple A?”

“Yeah, but I’ve been on hold for a while.”

“Well, I can give you a ride home if you need one.”

“I don’t know. I’ve always been taught not to take rides from strangers.”

“I’m not a stranger!”

“Oh really? Then why don’t I know your name?”

He laughs and says, “My name is Wesley. Now do you want a ride or not?”

He puts on the cutest face and I can’t resist. “Yes, please.”

There’s something different about this guy and I wouldn’t mind getting to know him better.

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