Why me?

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I edited this chapter so i decided to repost it. Hereeee ya go.

I spend the entire car ride to the hospital laying down in the backseat. I drift in and out of sleep so the ride doesn’t seem to take that long. When we arrive there, I build up enough strength to walk in without any help. Within minutes they drag me into a room because of how pale I am. A nurse walks in and asks me, “What are your symptoms?”

“My stomach is killing me. I’ve thrown up 5 times today. I feel so weak and I’m really dizzy.”

She nods along as I tell her everything. “Well, the dizziness and weakness is normal because of the throwing up. Have you eaten today?” I nod and clutch my stomach as it starts to hurt more. “Did the food taste okay?”

I think back to the burger and fries I had earlier today, and now that I’m really thinking about it, the burger didn’t taste too well. “Actually, the burger I had from In an’ Out didn’t taste right.”

“Ah, then you might have food poisoning. The burger could have been undercooked or made with bad meat. I’m just going to run some tests and make sure that’s the case.” She does the normal nurse check-up and then draws some blood from my left arm. She tells me to keep drinking water and leaves the room.

A few minutes later, there’s a knock on the door and Arianna and Kim walk in. The first thing out of Kim’s mouth is, “Do they know what’s wrong?”

“She said it could just be food poisoning.”

“Ah, that sucks.” Arianna says.

I take another sip of water as my latest pain starts to die down. “Have either of you talked to Wes?” At a time like this, Wes is the only person I want to see right now. He knows exactly when to leave me alone and when I need him to be there for me.

“Yeah I called him a few minutes ago.” Kim says. “He said he’s on his way.”

“Thank you.” I say as I adjust the bed so I can lay back. “Thanks for bringing me here and for calling him.”

“No problem.” Kim and Arianna say in sync.

There’s a long pause in the room before Kim says, “Well we’re gonna take off and let you get some rest. Call me when you’re out.”

“Will do.” I say.

“I hope you feel better!” Arianna says and she follows Kim out the door. I try and get some sleep but of course, my thoughts just won’t let me. Why the hell do I have to have food poisoning? This just isn’t fair. There’s nothing I hate more than throwing up and I’ve done it 5 times today, oh and once last night. Wait, this makes no sense. If I just ate that bad burger a few hours ago, how come I threw up last night? Whatever, I’m probably just over thinking things as always.

Right when I’m about to fall asleep there’s a knock on the door. I quickly sit up, happy that I’m about to see Wes. The door opens slowly and a head pops through the open space. My eyes meet with a pair of blue eyes as Drew says, “Oh, good you’re awake. Can I come in?”

“Of course.” I say softly. Usually I would be so disappointed to see Drew instead of Wes but at this point I don’t mind. I just need someone to take my mind off of this pain and I know Drew will be able to do that.

“How are you feeling?” Drew asks as he takes baby steps towards me as if I’m contagious or something.

“Not so good.” I try to laugh after saying this but my stomach hurts too much. “How did you know I was here?”

He finally gets closer and I gesture for him to take a seat at the foot of the bed. “Wes told me you were at work and it made me want a burger so I stopped by. I asked for you but some girl Vanessa said you went to the hospital. What’s wrong?”

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